Chapter 6

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Cherese's Pov

Today's Friday and Lira wanted me to hang out with her until she left for her date. Right now I'm kind of in a situation. I let Trey talk me into staying the night after having a few drinks last night. We kind of did some stuff and I'm waking up feeling amazing. He's got me wrapped up in his strong arms. When I say  he's strong, he's strong. We got here and he picked me up. I think I'm heavy, but I must not be as heavy especially if he lifted me up. I don't know. I'm so comfortable, but he's not my man. We're just weird friends. 

Me: Trey

Trey: (sleepy) What's wrong baby

Me: I've gotta go

Trey: Did I do something wrong

Me: No baby. Last night was great. I just have to get to Lira's house

Trey: Will you be back

I kissed his lips and broke away. He moved my hair out of my face.

Me: I can come back later on tonight. I'll bring clothes this time

Trey: You may not need them

He flipped me over and he was on me.

Me: I'll bring them anyway

Trey: Alright. Don't forget to bring these lips

He kisses me.

Me: You know I won't

Trey: Alright bye baby

Me: Bye babe

When I got to Lira's house, she was by her pool. I walked over to her.

Lira: Heyyy Miss Lady

Me: Heyyy

Lira: Where were you

Me: struggling to get out of bed

Lira: who's bed

Me: Mine duhhh

Lira: explain the glow you're working right now

Me: girl I'm not glowing

Lira:You are. Now where were you really

Me: I was with Trey last night. We went to a bar and he got me to stay the night

Lira: You did not 

Me: I don't know what you're talking about

Lira: No wonder you're so relaxed. You got some of that Trigga Loving

Me: I couldn't stop him. He felt so good

Lira: I bet it did. He's got you glowing

Me: Shut up. Are you ready for your date tonight

Lira: I'm nervous asf

Me: It's just August

Lira: Just August to you is a fine ass man to me. What if I say the wrong things?

Me: He's still a human being

Lira: I know

Me: Okay then you have to understand that he's just as nervous as you

Lira: How would you know

Me: Girl I know my cousin

Lira: So you know what we're doing

Me: Mhmm

Lira: What should I wear

Me: Let's go to your closet

7:30.......Lira's Pov

I look good. She helped me to pick out a dress and helped me with my hair and make-up.

Cherese: So do you like it

Me: I love it. Girl you hooked it up

Cherese: Good. Now you're going to have a lot of fun.


Cherese: That's him

Me: Are you sure I look okay

Cherese: If I was lesbian I'd date you

Me: Alright

Cherese: Have fun. I've gotta go

I opened the door and there he was with some flowers.

August: These are for you

Me: aww thank you. Let me put them in some water

August: Alright

I put them in water and grabbed my clutch bag.

Me: I hope this isn't too much

August: Not at all. I really love the dress. That color looks great on you

Me: Thanks. You don't look bad yourself

August: Thank you. Now c'mon

Me: Alright

We started driving and he pulled up to this nice restaurant. He got out of the car and opened the door for me.

Me: Look at you being a gentleman

August: I try

Me: you're really good at it

August: Thank you. C'mon

Later.........August's Pov

Right now we're walking around the city holding hands. Tonight has been great. I've learned a lot about her and I can say that her life is quite similar to mine. She's different from other girls. I want her to be mine.

Me: So have you enjoyed yourself tonight

Lira: I really have. I've never had someone (besides Cher) actually take time out to take me out

Me: I've never really done this for anybody

Lira: I feel special

Me: You are. I don't think I've ever really liked a girl the way I like you. You have me thinking about you all day. All night. You're different

Lira: I can say the same about you. I've been in relationships but they don't even compare to what I have going on with you. You are very different from other guys

She stopped walking and I did too. The next thing I knew, her lips were on mine. I'm going to continue with this little thing we have going.

Meanwhile........Trey's Pov

I just finished making love to Cherese and she is looking up at me. It's the same way we looked at each other the night before. The only difference is we're not drunk.

Me: Baby

Cherese: Yeah

Me: What do you see us being in the future

Cherese: Well if we continue seeing each other, I want it to be where you're mine and I'd be yours

Me: What about me touring

Cherese: I'd find ways to come see you

Me: I'd fly you out to wherever I'm at or since we're both musicians, we could tour together

Cherese: Let's do the second thing 

Me: One more thing

Cherese: Yeah

Me: What am I to you right now

Cherese: The one man that stays on my mind. My man

I looked at her and she pulled my face down to hers and we kissed. I'm falling for her and I can't control it.

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