Chapter 40- Part 2

Start from the beginning

For some reason we ended up in an alleyway that I had passed earlier in the day. She left me behind a bin and ran off somewhere. When she returned she didn't have the blanket. She told me that if anything were to happen to her I was to leave her and run here. To get help from Piper. At that point my father showed up. He grinned at us and told my mom to give me to him. My mom refused, saying that he would have to kill her first. He told her that it could be arranged. He said hi to me and then threw an energy ball at her and it went straight through her body, leaving a hole in her side. She fell to the floor and I kneeled next to her crying out to her telling her to wake up because she had closed her eyes. I felt her wrist for a pulse and it was there but it was very faint.

I looked up and faced the guy that I had seen numerous times and who called himself my father. He smiled at me and held out his hand telling me that he would look after me from now on and that he would teach me all about my powers. He said I was powerful and that together we would be an unstoppable force. I was crying and he threw an energy ball at me and told me that I was too old to cry, but it disappeared before it had a chance to touch me. He growled at this and I screamed at him cursing at him because he had hurt my mom. I said that even though they had both told me he was my father, I said he wasn't and he never would be before I summoned up a fireball and threw it at him. But I was so angry and instead of throwing just one fireball it turned into a wave of fire power that hit him squarely on his chest. He burst into flames and grinned at me saying daddy's little girl before he blew up. I heard my mom squeal and I went over to her, pulling her onto my lap and stroking her hair away from her sweaty forehead. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes and told me she was scared. I told her I understood and she said I didn't she told me that she wasn't afraid of dying. She never had been, but she was scared of me. She said I was a monster, whether he was a demon or not, I had just killed my own father. She called me an abomination and that I was a threat to good witches. Her final words were that she couldn't believe she had carried me for nine months when she should've aborted me at the first moment she got. I remember her last words were Lila you are no daughter of mine, I just hope that Piper and her family will have mercy on you. If not I hope you go to hell  I sat there and watched her die. She closed her eyes and died in my arms. I remember that my tears fell like a waterfall and that I felt unwanted. I was so scared about coming here in case you turned me away. I had heard of the demonic wasteland and knew it was horrible, all I knew was that I didn't want to end up there. I sat there for about an hour, maybe more until I finally plucked up the courage to make my way here, and well you know the rest. So here I am Lila-Rose Anderson. My mom was a witch and my father was a demon. I learned about two years after that, that my father had once been the source's servant when he was in his prime. So now you can see why I didn't tell you. I loved you all so much I didn't want to see you look at me with the same hate that had been in my mom's eyes that night. I knew that it would finally finish me and I would give up wanting to live" I said. Recounting my story had made me cry again and I wiped my eyes with my sleeve. I looked at Amy and saw that my mom was sitting next to her, waiting for the moment when it was time to take me back. She smiled at me, and I saw that hearing me say that had made her relive it as well. I knew that when she heard those words again she regretted ever saying them.

I looked at my family. Wyatt and Chris' face showed shock. They had never guessed I was half demon, especially seeing as how I saved innocents. The only thing that they found weird was how bad my temper was. I looked at Melinda and saw that she was crying, and so was Amy as well. They obviously shared my pain. Finally I looked at Piper and Leo. Leo smiled at me sadly and I returned it. He obviously pitied me but Piper on the other hand was grinning widely.

"Well Lila, it's about time that you came clean. Though I don't know what took you so long" she said. I stared at her and so did her children.

"You... you knew?" Chris spluttered and Piper nodded before answering the unspoken question that hung in the air.

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