Discovering the Truth

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So I literally about cried during this because I have a vivid imagination and I can just see all of this happening to my baby so yeah... Here you go.

Bertolt's POV

Last night gave me a new purpose when getting my work done. I wanted to go home again and see the love of my life, and I was about to get to do that. Ms. Brzenska didn't have that much paperwork to be done this week so I thankfully wouldn't have to stay over that much. I wasn't exactly complaining about the work of my job because I knew that it could be a lot worse, but I would gladly complain about the hours.

"Bertolt!" I heard from across the hall from me. I sighed and walked over to Ms. Brzenska's office to see what she needed now. She never really emotions around here but I blamed that on the stress. I walked in front of her desk and stood as stiff as a board because she said it looked "professional". She turned in her chair to look at me.

"Do you need something, Ms. Brzenska?" I asked in a professional voice. I had been trained quickly to learn how I was to approach people of her rank, but that wasn't that hard. I'd always been quite polite and respectful to others who were just like me.

"I need you to get that blue book off the top shelf." She said quietly. She was always a bit ashamed to get me to grab things for her that she couldn't reach. "I can't reach it." I nodded and set my folder down in one of the chairs she had in front of her desk. I didn't have to stand on my tip toes or anything.

I simply had to lift my arm and pick it up. I brought it over to her and handed it to her with a smile. That was one thing she could never get over. I was always kind to her and my coworkers even though they treat me like complete and utter shit. I didn't mind, if it made them feel better then all power to them.

"Thank you." She said as she took the book from my hands. "I haven't got anymore paperwork for you so when you finish everything you've got right now, you may go home." She told me and my smile brightened.

"Thank you, Ms. Brzenska." I said and she smiled softly at me. I bowed, as a sign of respect, and walked back to my office. Not only would I get to home, but I would also make it back in time to make dinner for Reiner and I. I had decided to stop by the store to get some things to make dinner with since I was sure Reiner never went shopping.

I wasn't going to prepare a lot of food because we were only two people. My job required a lot of running around so I didn't gain weight or anything. When I finally got to our building garage, I parked and grabbed my bags before getting out. There weren't that many cars, but I seen Reiner's so I knew he was here unless he was at the cafe again with Annie. He hung out with her a lot and that was my fault.

I was never home, but I was going to change that. I would start working even harder to get the work done quicker. Him and I needed to spend more time together and I planned on doing just that. That meant that whatever job he had on the weekends, I would ask him to try to take a day off and we could just be together. By ourselves. For a whole day.

When the elevator got to our floor, I got off. It was quite lonely because no one else got on during the whole ride. I figured it was just because it was still kind of early and people hadn't gotten home from their work yet. I walked to our front door and tried to unlock it first. It wasn't locked on the inside this time so Reiner must have known that I might get to come home again sometime.

I set the bags in the kitchen, but didn't see Reiner. I checked the living room, the dining room, the bathroom, but I didn't find him. Finally, I decided to check the bedroom. It was a possibility that he didn't feel well and was still in bed. I heard someone move on the bed so I figured I was right and he didn't feel good.

I walked to the bedroom door which was only open a little bit. I pushed on it gently with a smile on my face, expecting to see Reiner wrapped up in some blankets and looking like a sick child. My smile quickly vanished as I took in my surroundings.

It was Reiner in bed, but there was also someone else. On top of Reiner. On top of my husband, with very little clothing on if you could even say they had clothes on. I accidentally bumped into the table next to me and made a loud noise, making both of them look over at me. I probably looked like a deer caught in the headlights, but not as much as Reiner did. I didn't know what to do, in all honesty.

"I-I'm sorry for i-intruding." I said and I turned around to walk out. I heard Reiner get up and tell that girl that just so happened to be Mikasa to stay put so he could talk to me. I slipped a jacket on, not caring if it matched my outfit or not. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and I was afraid that my head would explode from the pressure of water.

"Bertolt, wait." Reiner said but I didn't wait. I kept going. I walked out the front door, attempting to slam it but he caught it and slipped out after me. He didn't have a shirt on either. "Bert, look I know you're upset with me bu-" I cut him off.

"No. No I'm not upset with you. I'm upset with myself." He looked shocked. I covered my water faucet eyes with my hand as I looked to him. "I knew this would happen eventually, I just didn't want to believe that you would do that to me. But Reiner, how long has this gone on?" I had to know, even if my heart was cracking and breaking at every word and breath I took.

He looked down at the ground. "About six months." I looked at him with wide eyes. "Maybe even a year?" He added. I let the first tear fall and it hit the ground, alerting both me and Reiner.

"Reiner, you held me. You loved me, and you promised me. And the whole time you've been seeing someone else?" I said and he nodded shamefully. "Did I not mean anything to you Reiner?" I asked and he looked like I had accused him of something horrible.

"What? Of course you meant the world to me, but I thought you were cheating on me yourself an-"

"And so instead of asking me and talking about like a normal married couple should, you decided to do the same thing you "thought" I was doing to you?!" I was crying and yelling and this point, making quotations with my fingers when I said the word thought. The look on his face told me that I had hit the nail right on the mark. I seen Mikasa walk to the door, now fully clothed and looking down at the ground, not daring to look at me.

"And you! Mikasa I thought you were my friend! I thought you wouldn't dare do a thing like this! How could you? How could both of you take the only thing I care about away from me?! Did I do something to not deserve happiness? Is this punishment for loving someone who I thought was the most perfect thing in this world?!" I was clearly hysterical and both of them were staring at me wide eyed.

"Bertolt, if you just listen-"

"Now if you'll excuse me I'm going back to work. Materials for dinner are on the counter. Good day." I composed myself enough so that I could breathe easily and I walked to the elevator. I was still wiping tears away as the doors shut. And I did go back to work.

I received strong stares as I walked through the office floor and to my office. When I walked to Ms. Brzenska's door, she looked at me with shock because of my state. I smiled nonetheless and told her that I would be staying a little later tonight, to which she nodded and went back to work with hesitation.

I sat at my desk with my head in my hands, wondering what I did to deserve this.


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