Missed You

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So this is the first official chapter yay. It won't be that good until we get into the actual storyline so yeah.

Bertolt's POV

I was exhausted again as I was most days. My boss, Ms. Brzenska, was very demanding with her job. She was the CEO of the Garrison Enterprises and she had a lot of responsibilities. There were many branches of this particular business and she was the one in charge of all of them since the last CEO left to become a drama teacher.

What a lot of people don't understand is that there aren't a lot of people that get to work at a place such as Garrison, and there is only one assistant that gets all of her not as important paperwork to fill out. That person just so happened to be me. She gives me so much paperwork to fill out that I often had to stay overnight to complete it all before the next day.

It wasn't ideal but it paid the bills and everything else we might have to pay for. I never had time to call or text Reiner to tell him I wouldn't be home anymore. Being married was amazing, especially when my husband was Reiner, but that also meant responsibilities for not only yourself, but for your significant other becomes just as important. I knew where my priorities were but I didn't want to lose my job either.

Luckily for me, I had finished all of my paperwork and I was able to go home. It had actually been three weeks since I had been home. My coworkers actually pitied me because I never got to go home to my "family". There had been times where they would say that the only reason they would keep it was because of the money, but even then it would be a tough decision.

When I got into my car, I just sat there for a few minutes contemplating whether it was worth going back tomorrow. Eventually, I started my car and began my drive home. Reiner was going to be so surprised that I was able to come home and I wouldn't be too tired to do anything. I don't ever work on the weekends but Reiner must have a part time job because he's never home when I get home and I don't see him unless I come home Monday after work, which was rare.

Traffic was bad as usual, but it wasn't horrible because I knew I would get to see the love of my life when I got home. The drive was quite uneventful. I had the radio turned on and the only thing playing was Justin Bieber, One Direction, or Taylor Swift which didn't particularly bother me. It was just more of the fact that Reiner said they weren't real musicians. When I got to our apartment building, I drove into the garage.

Once I parked the car, I walked to the elevator to go up to our floor. I was literally bouncing on the balls of my feet the whole way up there, making a pleasant conversation with the old couple a few floors down. They knew about Reiner and I being gay but didn't seem to mind because we were modest and didn't radiate gay, as the old woman had said one day. I asked about their children and how they had been doing, to which they smiled and replied without reluctance.

When they got off, I was left to my own thoughts again. I had missed Reiner so much that you would think I was a little kid who's father was a traveling business man. The only thing setting me apart from that is that Reiner wasn't my father and I was the traveler. Sometimes I wondered if Reiner missed me as much as I did him. On the weekends, I would normally just sit at home or go hang out with Annie, one of our close friends we had made when we first moved here.

She normally would've looked us over and went on with her life, but she had said that we were the first two people that made her feel amused in a while. I guess that made her want to keep us around for a little bit. She listened well and usually had very good advice to give, though she never beat around the bush. She would tell you how it was and if you couldn't take it then you were a baby.

Finally the elevator reached our floor. I walked out and was walking with a spring in my step. When I got to the door, I fished for my keys in my pocket. I inserted the key into the deadbolt, but when I tried to open the door I realized it was locked on the inside. I sighed and knocked on the door. If he had known I was coming he would've left it unlocked, but that would've ruined the surprise.

It stood there for a few moments, listening for any movement from inside but didn't hear any. I seen his car so I figured that he was home. It was a Tuesday after all, so he should be home. I knocked once again, a little louder this time since my first one was a bit quiet. Finally I heard footsteps coming to the door and then the lock being turned. He opened the door only a little so he could look out but when he seen me, he seemed shocked.

I couldn't help but smile at him. He opened the door enough for me to come in and I engulfed him in a hug. I had missed him so much, and I hoped it showed by the way I hugged him so tightly. He hugged me back just as tight and he seemed to breathe in my scent, something he always seemed to do these days. He closed the door with me still holding onto him like a child. I threw my bag over to the side so I could feel his soft blonde hair. I still loved everything about him.

The way he always smelled even though he never used cologne around me. The way his strong jaw was shaped and his muscles that were visible through sweat shirts. The way he smiled at me even though he never seen me anymore. The way he would tell me it was fine when I broke down crying about not ever being home. I loved it all about him. I didn't deserve him, not one bit. Someone like me could never deserve someone as loyal as he was.

I needed to feel his lips and his body. It wasn't a lustful wanting, it was a want of love. A promise we had made long ago now it seemed that every time we made love we were taking an oath to never hurt one another. I needed to feel that again, because who knew how long it would be before I would get to feel that again? So finally I pulled away from the hug and grabbed his wrist, pulling him along with me to the bedroom.

We stopped in the middle of the bedroom and I turned to Reiner. I pulled him to me and kissed him. My arms snakes around his neck and I held on tight, as if I would lose him if I let go. His arms made their way around my waist as we kissed slowly and passionately. The way he kissed me eagerly made me believe that he had missed me as much as I had him.

Eventually our clothes found their way off of us and we'd made our way to the bed. Soft pants and moans came from me as Reiner held me and loved me so gently. I never once took my eyes off of him as we made our promises. My arms didn't let him go not once, and when we were just laying there I had my right hand interlocked with his left hand and I just stared at his gold wedding band.

His had "until forever" engraved into the precious metal, while mine had "always". It was an idea we had gotten from my parents when they showed us their vows they made. They had said that their love was engraved into their hearts always until forever. It didn't make sense to most people unless they were as in love as they were. That's probably why it made sense to us. Reiner fell asleep first, which was good so he didn't see my tears when I started crying from being homesick.

I wasn't homesick from being away from Germany. It was because I had been away from Reiner, and he was home for me. If he wasn't there, I would have nothing worth living for.

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