Coffee Shop Crazies

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We entered the coffee shop and I was still wondering when and how I'm supposed to crush this guy... and if I even can.

"What're you thinking about so hard?" He smiled at me

"Just wondering how much you stalk me?" I smirked

"I'm an accidental stalker! I swear!" He shouted

"You just yelled that in a PUBLIC coffee shop Jackson..."

"Damn" He sighed

"Yeah Jacks! I don't mind you stopping in, but will you not cause a scene at my job?" the guy at the counter laughed

"Oh, you're Mike right? I didn't recognize you without the pineapple..." I smirked as he blushed and laughed

"That was you?! Oh man... There I was on the couch, hung over, and I think my heads being stabbed! And the pineapple literally was, and all I see is me hugging it... weirdest wake up ever! And that's something, 'cause Jacks here has had some crazy parties!" He laughed

"I bet..." I glanced at him and grinned

"So what's your name, since you have mine?" He smiled

"Jai, with an 'I'" I replied

"Cool, well good job on getting me to hook up with a fruit, that's a new one..." He laughed

"Prolly not your last though..." I smiled

"Prolly not!" He smiled, "Jacks, stop taking pictures of her! Creeper"

I turned and saw he did have a digital camera out, "you stalker." I smirked

"Nope, 'artist' is my official title!" He grinned

"Uh huh..." I said

"Mike can I get my usual" He turned to order, "and for you?"

"Uuuhm, nutella and strawberry smoothie." I ordered, I pulled out my wallet and Jackson stole it from my hands

"Nope, my treat. I said so last night." He smirked as I couldn't reach my wallet

"I'm a grown ass person I can pay for a smoothie!" I huffed

"As am I, but 1, I'm a gentleman and will pay on a date, and 2... you can't reach." He teased

"Oh yeah?" I kicked his shin and took my wallet from his hand and slapped a 10$ on the counter. "Keep the change, I'm paying for both." I stuck my tongue out at Jackson, I didn't kick too hard, just enough to buckle his leg.

"Yes ma'am!" Mike laughed

"Mike, you traitor..." Jackson grumbled

"Sorry Jacks, she's scary." He chuckled and started making our drinks, "Go sit, I'll bring them over."

"Okay." We said and headed toward a couple of comfy chairs and a table in the middle. I noticed Jackson pouting. We sat down, and I looked at him

"What? Did I hurt you?" I cocked my head to the side

"Only my pride..." He grumbled

"Well don't be all sexist. It's not the 1930's I can pay too dude..." I smiled as got comfortable.

"Yeah but, I wanted to..." He sighed

"So you buy next time." I replied

"So there's gonna be a 'next time'"? He smiled

"Well, you're the one who mentioned a movie yesterday..." I pointed out

"Awesome" he smiled

"Here's your drinks! They're hot/freezing so do not sue for burnt tongues and frozen brains!" Mike smiled

"I'll sue your pants off Mike, your pineapple will totally dump you." I looked at him dead serious

"Nooooo! I have little pineapples on the way!" he cried

"Ew... dude you slept with a pineapple?" Jackson laughed

"That's my girl!" Mike yelled while I cried, "Racist!"

"Racist?" They looked at me

"Mike can date and sleep with whomever! Even if it's a pineapple! EQUAL RIGHTS!" I fist pumped the air

"HELLS YEAH!" Mike fist pumped with me, "EQUAL RIGHTS!" He repeated

"Oh dear god, it's a girl Mike..." He sighed

"HEY! MIKE MIGHT BE A GIRL!" I laughed trying to not choke that I'm just another guy acting Mike.

"I'm not." He said

"Prove it." I shot back without thinking

"DON'T!" Jackson said

"I'm not gonna! Geez!" Mike laughed, "anyway, I like her. Enjoy your drinks... crazies..." he turned around and headed back to the counter

"I'm a proud crazy of generations! You've insulted my people and religion! 'Thou shalt be bat shit nuts' is our creed!" I said, he just laughed out loud and shook his head

"Well, you met Mike now... he's my best friend."

"He's funny." I laughed and sipped my drink, "Mmm... that's good." I said

"Yeah, he makes the best drinks." Jackson sipped his coffee of whatever and sat back. "So... what're your hobbies?"

"This game huh? I like to play video games." I replied

"And?" he rolled his hand in a "continue" way.

"And... I play pranks sometimes?" I answered

"And you free run..." He smiled


"I saw you get the kid's ball." He smiled, "That was really nice of you, and elegant really."

"Oh... well yeah, I dabble in free running." I shrugged

"Heh, right 'dabble,' no one who 'dabbles' does that so gracefully." He smirked

"Fine you caught me; I do it as a stress relief. The whole city's my... playground." I smiled

"Hmm, so any other hobbies?" He asked

"I'm pretty good at cooking I guess." I thought

"Really?" He smiled

"Yeah, more for survival than enjoyment; but I do alright."

"Someone in your house is a bad cook?"

"Yeah, more like a danger." I laughed, he joined me and we lapsed into a silence for a while

"...will you make me something sometime?" he asked

"Uh why?" I asked, it seemed weird he wanted that.

"I... haven't had a homemade meal... in a long time." He said quietly

"Okay" I said

"Really?" He smiled

"Sure I can manage something..." I shrugged

"That'd be awesome!" He grinned

There's that 'pang' of guilt inside me again... he's not that bad... maybe I should back down... I don't need the room... I can pay my parents back for the games from my savings... I'd change my number... everything could go back to normal... and he'd get over me right?

"Hey Jackson, I gotta tell you something..."

It All Started with Revenge...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن