I Will Try To Fix You

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~Liam's POV~

When I woke up the next morning, Daisy was already up and dressed.

"Get your butt out of bed and let's go sightseeing," she cried happily.

"Okay, okay. Gosh. You're being demanding again."

"Oh get over it."

We took the stairs down to the lobby and ate at the buffet set out for guests. After eating way too much, we left the hotel and went to a beautiful church.

"I don't understand why I think that churches are so pretty, but they are," Daisy said.

"I know what you mean."

We slid into a pew and Daisy bowed her head.

"What are you doing?" I hissed.

"I'm praying idiot, what does it look like I'm doing? Putting on a show?"

"You don't belong to this church," I said confused.

"Your point?"

"You can't just sit in a pew."

"Would you shut up?" She asked quietly.

I complied, even though my eyes kept straying to the security guards located around the church.

The time finally came to board the jet that would take us back to London.

Daisy and I took the steps two at a time, and set our bags down.

"Do we really have to go back?" I asked, sadly.

"Yes," she said. "You have a job to do, remember?"

"I know, but it can wait."

"No it can't. Your fans need you. That's the downside of being famous: you aren't able to stop."

"I just wish that this could be a longer trip."

"Me too."

"Maybe we could come again, sometime in the future?" I asked hopefully.

"I don't think that Kelly would be too happy with that."

"That doesn't matter."

"Of course it does, Liam. She's practically your girlfriend." Daisy was angry with me by now.

I yelled back at her, "But you are my girlfriend."

"No I'm not. We're just friends, maybe not even that."

"How could you say that we're not friends?" I basically screamed. "You just said that I was one of your best friends!"

"So I was wrong."

Ignoring the sting of her words, I continued. "You can't just decide that you're done with me."

"Oh grow up, Liam. It will never be a happily ever after if I'm involved in your life."

"Why do you insist on distancing yourself? We talked about this in Wolverhampton. Have you forgotten already?"

"Of course I haven't forgotten. I finally realized that it wouldn't work. I'm just another hired night of fun."

"God d*mmit, get over yourself!" I yelled. "How many times do I have to tell you that you're not a 'night of fun'? I don't know how else to show you that I want you to stay in my life."

"As what?" Daisy asked me. "As your girlfriend?" Her tone grew colder. "No, not as a girlfriend, because you're still in love with Kelly. She dumped you."

"I thought we were in this together," I said, unable to disguise my hurt.

"Be real, Liam. I just did it for the money."

She had to be lying.

"I'm not surprised," I said the words pouring out of my mouth. "I always knew you were a gold-digger."

"F*ck you," she said.

"Yeah, you'd do it for what? Five dollars, right? That's how much Drew paid you."

I knew I'd gone too far.

"I'm glad you're in love with Kelly," she said. "You two were made for each other." Nothing could have pierced me harder. She got onto the plane and sat with her back towards me.

We landed in London, without having said a word the entire time. Stiffly, the two of us got a taxi back to my house. When we arrived, Daisy went to the guest room and shut the door.

I unpacked slowly and tried not to hear the sound of sobs coming from a few rooms down. I tried not to think about how much I cared about her. I tried not to think that I caused her this much pain. I tried not to... but I did.

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