Chapter 3

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Alex Reagan Valerio

I listened as the teacher began talking about the Orientation. Every first week of coming back to school, we won't immediately jump in to our lessons. The teachers would talk about some stuffs they did in their summer days and even let us write essays about ours.

Like the f-ck?

What school does that, too?

Okay. But anyways, it's not part of our grades which means that I don't have to pass an output.

Mr. Niroma continued talking about his life during the sunny days, when a knock came to the door.

I didn't dare look. After all, I never was interested. Unless, it was someone and something important.

T'was just the school's runner.  Ben. He's been working for the school for about 5 years now. Always sending letters from the Dean's office to other teachers and school officers.

Mr. Niroma took the piece of paper that was just handed to him by Ben. He pulled his glasses closer to his eyes, looking at the piece of paper like it was some sort of newspaper that had a catchy headline.

"Let us all give offerings and prayers to the family of Roselle Genova. One of our dearest students here in school, as her sister died of sexual assault and murder last---"

Did he really have to say what she died of?

With those few words I heard, the grip on the pencil I've been holding, tightened. My eyes squeezed shut, as nightmares of my past came rushing back in my mind. And then the sound of something snapping stopped Mr. Niroma from speaking.

It was my pencil. Broken in two, now.

"..any amount of donation is accepted."

"Frost, are you okay?"

I had my first class with Cassandra, in Algebra. She was one heck of an understanding person, but she didn't know. Only the two boys and Savannah knew about my life's background story.

"Y-yeah. I'll just go...outside,"I muttered.

The moment the students began standing up to give donations, I took the chance. Grabbing my bag and swinging it on one arm, right before I kept my shaking hands in the pockets of my jacket. I ran out of the classroom and to the ladies comfort room.

Glad thing was that nobody was inside. I sat my bag on the floor after locking the door, and rested my hands on the rim of the sink to steady myself.

"Chill down Alex. Don't weaken now."

I kept repeating those words till I finally got hold of myself.

"Frost? You there? Open the door!"Cassandra's voice ricocheted as did her continuous pounding on the door.

"Yeah. Stop worrying,"I replied, in a now solemn tone. Then with just that, she stopped.

I got my bag from the floor and swung it on an arm like how I do it. I ran a hand through my hair and then opened the door, revealing a still worried-looking Cassy.

"What happened to you? Why'd you just run out of the room like that?"she asked.

One sure thing about me, is that I hate lots of questions. I get easily irritated.

"I just thought I had a girl thing. Quit worrying, now,"I replied giving her a reassuring smirk.

Please, I don't smile. Oftentimes.

She seem to buy the lie.

"Okay. But in case it happens again, tell me, okay?"she uttered and I just gave her a nod. We then started walking to our next class, when we met a crowd of students at the hallway.

Ugh! The newbie.

Though the other group's gonna torture him. Well of course he could be of great use to Tiara, so that's probably why she didn't. Again, her boy toy number 69.

Well, Mr. Newbie was easy to spot in the center of the crowd as he stood out by his height.

"Um, Frost. I think you're gonna leave me out in the crowd,"Cassy complained, pointing at herself from top to bottom.

And so I am easy to spot, too, coz' of my height. Which is Cassy and I's difference. I'm 6 flat.

I just gave her a slight shake of the head, before walking towards the crowd which immediately dissipated in half as we passed by. The hallway became silent and we were free to go.

Though there was an odd feeling in the pit of my stomach when we reached the newbie's side. Our eyes met and for those few seconds, was just when I realized how golden his eyes were up close and that he had a tall nose and even long lashes.

It wasn't just 'hot' that was screaming through him, it was perfection.

But I quickly broke the contact, looking away from him and towards where we were going.

Not interested.

"What was that?"Cassandra asked, giving me a slight raise of her eyebrows.

"T'was just a look that I give newbies. Which means that--"

She cut me off and was the one to finish my sentence.

"--Never mess with us."

I just gave her a nod, approving to what she just said.

"But isn't he just so handsome and perfect..and...and..everything?"she asked. This time, I was the one to raise an eyebrow at her.

"Why don't you marry him yourself?"I asked, rather in a not interested tone.

"And you know what? His name's Chase Zacharij Ross. He's been a model since he was 8. His parents are rich. And I've heard that he's not into girls,"Cassandra mumbled, like an ultimate stalker. But then...


"What did you just say? Not into girls?"Brent barged in the conversation. We did our hand gesture thingy before he went back to barging in the conversation, again.

"No, what I mean is that. He's never dated a girl in his life except when he was in Grade 6. What I mean, is that, no girl has ever gotten his interest after Grade 6,"Cassandra explained.

"How did you know so much about this guy?"Savannah, who just came along, began asking. A lot of information-fishers here, huh?

"Mmm, facebook? Twitter. And ah! Karlie told me things about him. You know Karlie, the great stalker!"Cassy muttered loudly, like a drunk man.

"Yeah! You could make a great duo!"Brent teased.

"Cassy and Karlie!"he added. Then the two began fighting like a cat and a dog. They seldom fight, even over small things.

Oh whale, they'll both end up together.

"You know, they look cute together,"Savannah commented. I just gave her a smirk, as if agreeing to her statement.

"Did you already tell her about you?"she asked.

The transition of her mood swing's really nice. From happy to perky to serious. Nice, really nice Van.

"No, she doesn't need to know,"I replied.

"She does, she's our friend. She's nothing but kind to us, it's her very right to know,"she said.

"And it's my very right to tell her or to not tell her,"and with that, I gave her the look that'd make anyone stop talking. Or breathing, if that's even possible.

We continued walking in silence. The last words I heard from her were 'okay, fine.'

Not now. On the right time.

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