Chapter 1

31 2 7

Alex Reagan Valerio

"Hey mom."

"Good morning beautiful,"mom muttered back.

A ghost of smile appeared on my lips, as I see my father and brother walk down the stairs. Hands in their pockets.

"You two are just so-so alike,"mom described, as she was about to lay the a plate of cookies we baked half an hour ago.

That was what I was about to say-or-think. Er.

"That looks dainty, but you have to save me some,"father said as he pulled me to an embrace. I could feel my brother's gaze at me.

The flashback of us fighting last night about him coming home drunk was not a good sight at all. I had to throw a hard blow at him, just to knock and shut him up.

He's just 16, a minor. Who drank. Who drank an alcoholic beverage. And is underage driving. And he can't be drunk while driving.

After all, I don't want to lose another important person in my life.

I had to keep to myself what had happened last night.

"Dad, you know how she feels about hugs,"Xander mutters as he puts his hand on Dad's shoulder.

What's up with him today?

"Okay, don't get me missin' out now,"mom interrupts before Dad lets go of me and they both have their cuddling session.

Great! I know they both can't get enough of each other, but seriously I just...I just can't.

I think I'm allergic to...cuddles?

"Hey sis,"Xander greets me, before slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"What? You finally realize that you've sinned against the law and you're ready to confess?"I coldly muttered, giving him a glare before crossing my arms to my chest.

"C'mon, Alex! I know I did something wrong an---"

"Which was?"I asked, making him feel a whole lot guiltier.

Xander was about to continue but I only stared at him like trying to let him spill his own beans. Er--that sounded weird.

"O-okay. Drunk driving. Sorry, now. Okay?"he asked, giving me those pretty puppy eyes.

Oh god! There it is. I just hate it when he does that.

But I never fall for his pretty face. I'm immune to that.

"Mmm, not working,"I uttered slightly shaking my head. I sat on the chair on the dining table, before stuffing a cookie in my mouth.

God! They're just so delicious. The chocolate chips quickly melted in my mouth.

"Are you just gonna eat there like nothing happened?"he asked, sitting across me on the dining table.

I didn't even tend to mind him anymore.

After all, I've already forgiven him. I just wanna make him feel guilty. That's just me. Plus, he's just gullible sometimes.

"Are you even listening to me?"he asked before slamming his hands on the table and his chair slightly pushed back as he's already standing on his feet. Catching my parents' attention.

And my attention, too.

"Uh-uh. You don't do that to me,"I muttered in a rather colder tone.

I don't like it when people raise their voice on me, even if the situation's on their side or not. I don't like being outrun. I tend to take things my way and on my own conditions.

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