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Typical High school.

There were the nerds. The average. The cheerleaders. The bullied. The bullies. The jokers. The newbies. The pretty ones. The queen bees.

And of course, why miss this part?

The bad boys.

Of course, they're the highlights of the school. Everybody knows that.

Even the story.

The typical bad boy and that girl story.

The bad boy teases her, then the girl teases him back. The bad boy shows his good and cute side, then the girl falls for his antics. Once he knew she's fallen for him , he'll drop her off and say that she's not good enough for him or he's not good enough for her just to make lame excuses. Then after a few hours of him leaving her, he'll realize that he's felt that spark he never felt before. Then something bad happens to the girl, the boy realizes what he did and saves her.

Then they leave happily ever after.

But hell no! That's so cliche.

Most stories forget one thing or two, sometimes.

If their are bad boys, then there are bad girls, too.


Not the type of bad girls that just wanna throw themselves at boys and bang around like it was something usual to do.

How about let's start with this one girl. Let's call her Frost. Well her real name's Alex Reagan Valerio. Her friends call her that nickname because of her cold and bitter personality. Not really that bitter.

Then let's place this bad boy on the picture. Tag him with the name, Chase Zacharij Ross. The ultimate hot bad boy. He never likes nicknames. Ever. He's filthy rich and can get everything he wants. Just that, he's got a broken home.

Okay, perfect! All set.






Look ladies and gentlemen, if you think it's lame just please give this a shot. I tried writing a better prologue but that's the only thing I can come up with.

And hey! It's Christmas and nearly New Year so just please give this a shot.



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