Chapter One: Music

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Chapter One: Music


-Nick's POV-

Nick woke up at the strike of eight in the morning. He knew the time based on the heat of the sun burning through his window, and the electric chirp of his clock on the nightstand beside him. It was the same time he woke up every morning. His body having developed a natural schedule to his day.

Nick shut his eyes. Although the only thing he ever saw was darkness, he found the act of shutting his eyes to bring images back into his life. He wasn't born blind, therefore was thankfully capable of knowing how certain things looked. He didn't need vision to tell him the color of the sun or the ocean. He could remember these things easily. He just couldn't enjoy the sight of them anymore.

The bed's springs beneath him groaned as he rolled over on his side, swinging his legs over the edge of his bed. His feet landed in the comforting fuzz of his house slippers he leaves by his bed every night. He must wear them in case any kind of nail or glass is on the floor.

Nick leaned just slightly to his right, just enough so that his fingertips could graze his nightstand. On it, he knew would find a number of different objects, all of which meant a great deal to him.

A knock at his door had Nick dropping his hand back to his side and sitting straight. "Come in," he called out.

The door opened and Nick immediately smelt the cologne that often accompanied Joe, one of his older brothers. As Joe stepped into the room, Nick knew it was him based on his slight dragging of feet against the wooden floors.

"Good morning, Joe," Nick said, still looking blankly ahead even though the door was behind him.

Joe chuckled under his breath and curses quietly. Nick's ears still picked up the quiet "damn" that left Joe's mouth. "I never stop being amazed at that," Joe said, his voice laced with laughter.

Nick shrugged. "I've known you long enough to figure out your way of movement. Let alone the way you smell." Nick stood up, the smell of pancakes finding it's way to his distinct nose. "Mmm pancakes."

Joe stepped up beside him, the wooden floors sending vibrations into Nick's feet. Nick looked in the direction of his brother, knowing he stood not far from him.

A hand clasped onto Nick's shoulder tightly. Nick couldn't see it, but he heard the sniff that Joe tried to cover up. He had started crying.

"Joe? Why are you crying?" He asked his brother kindly, reaching out and grabbing his shoulder as well.

Joe's shoulders moved as he shook his head. "Nothing, it's just still so hard for me to deal with. I forget your blind when you stare directly at me. Even if you can't seems like you can," Joe explained to Nick, his voice full of so much sadness.

Nick gave his brother the kindest smile he could pull off. "Hey, it's still me. Even if I'm physically different, it's still me."

"I know. I know," Joe breathed out. "I know."

"Come on, let's get some breakfast," Nick said, pulling Joe towards his bedroom door. Outside of the room, he could hear the sound of his brother Frankie yelling with the eldest brother, Kevin.

"Sounds like Kevin isn't getting his orange juice," Joe muttered under his breath. They both knew Kevin's love towards the acidic beverage.

"Come on, let's go." Nick chuckled,

The truth was, Nick didn't want to talk about his blindness. For him, it was simply another part of his life. He had lost his sight, but that didn't mean it had to be an obstacle for him. Nick still felt the same. He loved music with a passion.

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