We were finally there after a few minutes, the darkness covering the two slided glass doors in the entrance of the school building while there was a tall pole on the corners of the building too show some orange bright light.

"Daisy can you tell me what we're doing here and why your brother is here?" Alexa repeated her question with different words while I pulled the key out of the ignition rolling my eyes.

"My brother is getting beat up for sleeping with someone's girlfriend now let's go!" I chanted not too loud though, her face was filled with shock as her jaw dropped. I ignored and walked out of the car slamming the door behind locking it while she did the same.

We didn't know what time it was but the sky was pitch black. The only thing illuminating the sidewalks were the dim fluttering lampposts and a few passing cars' headlights. There weren't any others around except for a hungry stray cat. All the stores were already closed and it gave the town an empty feeling. The both of us trudged behind the school building, slowly tiptoeing as we got closer too voices and Davy's familiar voice.

"Shh." I whispered to her motioning her to follow me behind the building.

"You better leave me alone."

"Why? So you can go around and go fuck other girls who are taken too?"

Familiar voices were yelling. The thundering voices echoed through the darkness.

"No so I can go and fucking hurt the shit out of you!"

"Haha not a chance."

Alexa and I had made eye contact and nodded at each other both agreeing on coming out randomly while Alexa jumps on him. So as we scattered up, there was Davy being gripped onto the cemented floor as he was groaning and Joshua was horribly holding him down until he noticed us and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Oh look who we have here too join the club." Josh chuckled, holding down on Davy who gasped.

"Daisy, Alexa, help!" He shouted, Alexa did as she was told and tried moving Josh who was fighting back. It didn't really worry me since Alexa was very much strong; stronger than most boys in school compared too me I'm like some stick always getting stepped on.

"What- what are you doing?" Josh hesitated scaredy backing up as Alexa got closer too him, her cracking her neck and fists.

"Your brother deserved it, he fucking had sex with my girlfriend!" He cried, giving me a glare darting his eye back at me then too Alexa who was already kicking him onto the floor.

"Well obviously he was drunk and is your slutty girlfriend's fault for not doing anything about it." I spat, I grabbed Davy from the floor who had cuts and scars around his face and a bruise. There must be a lot of blood coming from the Josh's mouth and nose you can see a river of it, he has been punched hard enough to knock several of his teeth out, and he's collapsed. So Alexa handled the fight pretty well. The Boy was down and out.

"She's not slutty!" He tried taking a deep breathe as he kept caught, "You are the slut and maybe that's why Luke broke up with you."

My face goes slack, mouth slightly open, body unmoving, and color draining from my face as I stare wide-eyed at something no one else can see. I just froze up to a point where I can hardly see myself breathing, but when shock begins to melt away, everything returns slowly.

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