Chapter 33.

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PSA: This is just a simple, filler chapter. Right now, August and Genesis are moving on from what happened and they are trying to forget about it also. I've decided to lay low on the drama and just positively develop their relationship more...for now. 😊💜

Happy New Years! 🎊🎋🎉 I hope that you all are safe and have a fun holiday. ☺️

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"Also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil, this is God's gift to man." - Ecclesiastes 3:13

Genesis Williams
{ December 31st, 2014 | 9:02 p.m }

It's been nearly a week since the incident and confrontation, and honestly, I've never felt more secured and satisfied with my life as I do now.

Since then, August has been extremely clingy, a sign of warm devotion that I have never expected to come from him. It's usually me who wants a kiss every 5 seconds, or want to cuddle for hours on end, but lately August is the one who has even missed work to come over my house and tend to me.

For today's festivies, we planned to go to a party.

I was in my room getting ready for the watch party, when I got a text from August telling me that he was coming over. About 5 or so minutes later, three knocks summoned at my bedroom's door, and I opened it to find August standing there fully dressed and ready, meanwhile I still had to add my finishing touches.

"Hi baby." I greeted, pecking his lips tenderly before retreating back to my closet to find some shoes to wear for the party that'll match well with the dress that I'm wearing.

He smiled back at me, and replied back with, "Was good?"

"I can't find my Jimmy Choos." I whined, pulling out pairs after pairs of my rather large collection of high heels. "I swear that I saw them not to long ago, and now they just disappeared."

"They couldn't have disappeared, love." He prodded as he walked over to me.

"They can't walk either, so where did they go?"

"What color are they?" August sighed as he crouched down beside me. Out of the corner of my eye, I watched his eyes roam everywhere but my closet's messy floor. I came to the quick conclusion that he had his attention averted on my dress.

"They're black." I answered, moving more heels out of my way. I pulled back a shirt that must have fell off of the hanger and grinned as I picked up the shoes that I was looking for. "Never mind, found them."

We stood to our feet simultaneously, and I held onto August's shoulder as I put both of the heels onto my feet, adding another 3 inches to my 5 foot 2 height. I was now to August's shoulder, and instead of gaping at my new peak, he was looking at my attire.

"You not going anywhea' wit' dat too little ass dress on." August insisted as he folded his arms across his chest.

He narrowed his eyes at the thin fabric that rose up my thigh whenever I did something as small as take a step, but I absolutely adored and loved the dress. "Either you change right na' into something more appropriate or we're staying our asses at home."

I took another look at myself in the mirror, taking in the short, all white dress that I planned on wearing to the watch party. I had my hair in loose wand waves that danced across my shoulders and collar bone, exposing the dress' V neck.

Yes - the dress may actually be a little short, but I liked the way that it showed off the curves that I swear I thought that I never had. Now that the cuts and bruises that were on my face healed, and my arm was feeling good enough to take it out of its cast, I felt beautiful in the dress.

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