Chapter 16.

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New cover 👀 Took me a long ass time to make it, but I like it better than the old one.
Please read everything closely in this chapter. It's extremely important and is basically the chapter that the rest of the story will base off on.
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"And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one." - Matthew 6:13

August Alsina

{ July 21st, 2014 | 10:57 a.m }

"Sneak, man will you c'mon?"

"I can't concentrate and walk fast when I'm hungry as fuck." He mumbled, still walkin' like a damn turtle.

"I told you dat we will get somethin' ta' eat right afta' we leave hea'. Na' can you please walk faster?"

It's tha' morning afta' Noonie's sleepover, and I had asked Genesis ta' stay home wit' all tha' girls while me and Sneak run this quick...errand. I trust Genesis enough fa' her to watch my nieces and they lil friends fa' and a couple hours, just until I come back.

I was kinda hesitant at first, wit' leavin' her at tha' crib by herself, especially afta' what she and I saw last night. But I know dat no one would try ta' come inside my house. Last night was creepy and I'm glad dat I didn't tell Genesis 'bout whose car dat was, otherwise she would have had a heart attack.

"We betta be in and out." He complained as he stuffed his hands further down into his pockets. "A nigga is starvin'."

"A nigga betta shut up and just c'mon. If you wanna be in and out, then walk faster and keep yo mouth closed. Let me do all tha' talkin' once we get up thea', too."


I turned 'round ta' face Corey, wit' a snarl on my face. "Let me do all tha' talkin'." I repeated, watchin' Sneak's face scrunch up. "You don't even know tha' whole story. I don't want you goin' up thea' makin' a fool outta tha' both of us, yeah?"

"Whatever bruh." He murmured lowly, slick rollin' his eyes.

I faced forward again and began ta' walk up tha' porch to tha' tall, old Victorian house, dat was tha' tallest on tha' block. Tha' house reminded me of most old ass houses in tha' south. It was grey and white, wit' peelin' wood on tha' sides. It's grass was neatly cut, and thea' was tha' sedan parked in tha' driveway.

When I saw tha' car, I felt uncomfortable and tense. I took a deep breath and looked ova' at Sneak who was too busy studyin' tha' scene ta' notice tha' look of worry on my face.

"Like I said," I breathed. "Lemme do all tha' talkin'."

"I heard you already, August." Sneak said, kissin' his teeth and walkin' up to tha' porch. I followed closely behind him and was tha' one who rang tha' doorbell.

I could hear tha' lil jingle or whateva' from outside tha' house chime right afta' I rang tha' bell. A second later, tha' door swung open.

"Good mornin' Mr. McGee." I said politely wit' a small smile.

"Praise tha' lord, good mornin' August." The short, chubby man retorted wit' a smile, also. "Good mornin' ta' you, too, Corey."

Corey only smiled back and nodded his head. I exhaled deeply, gladly appreciatin' dat he was doin' exactly what I had asked him to do and not sayin' a single word.

"I haven't seen you both in years it seem like." Mr. McGee softly chuckled, clutchin' onto his coffee mug tightly. "What brings you two 'round hea'?"

"My apologies, Mr. McGee. I've been extremely busy wit' work and haven't had tha' time ta' come by. We hea' ta' see-"

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