Chapter 24.

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"Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth." - 2 Timothy 2:15

Genesis Williams

{ October 13th, 2014 | 2:02 p.m }

"Did you want me to wait out here or inside?"

"You don't have to wait at all actually." I called out, stepping out of Nate's car, forgetting that it was a truck that raised about 6 feet in the air.

I ended up falling on my ass, which raised my skirt up and probably flashed the people walking out of the hospital.

"Shit!" I swore, quickly standing to my feet and brushing myself off. I looked over to see Nate trying to hide a smile that desperately tried to creep out onto his face.

"Are you okay?" He snickered loudly. I rolled my eyes, dusting specks of dust off of my skirt and jacket. "That was a hell of a fall. I guess I should have warned you, and are you positive that you don't want me to stick around?"

"It's whatever. I'm fine. You can just go home, I'll probably be awhile anyway." I divulged. I have a lot to talk to August about, and I hope this trip is worth it.

"How are you going to get home?" Nathan worried showing a face of genuine concern.

I shrugged my shoulders, looking away from his stare. "I'll find a way. Don't worry."

He looked hesitantly before nodding his head understandingly as he placed his hand on the gear shift. "Alright."

I was about to walk away when I heard him call out my name. Turning around, I glared at him. "What is it?"

"Can I have your number?" Nate stammered. His face turned red, and I could read the anxiety that was visible in his body language. He kept rubbing at his neck, and wouldn't make eye contact with me. "I-I mean in case you need to contact me or anything. Or if you actually do need a ride, I can always come pick you up if you'd like me to. "

I opened my mouth to answer him, but he continued to ramble, and flush a bright red, tomato color.

"It's not like I'm trying flirt with you or anything, I just want to keep in contact with you. I mean, there's n-nothing wrong with you - you're beautiful - I-I just want to..." He suddenly stopped, lowering his head down as he tried to keep his breath. I could tell by the awkward silence that drove by that he didn't know what to say next.

I took a short breath in, before nodding my head with a small smile. "To contact me." I thoughtfully finished for him.

"Yeah." He nervously chuckled, taking a gulp so large that I saw his Adam's apple bob. "T-that."

A few weeks ago I'd find it odd and suspicious that he would ask for my number. I'd probably tell him I'd give him my number when I'm dead and leave it at that, especially after what's been going on the last few months. Yet after hearing his plea and talking to him more, he doesn't seem that bad of a guy. He reminds me of August in a way, just less intimidating and more authentic.

Once I gave him my number, he watched me walk up the hospital's revolving door before pulling off with a huge smile on his face. I didn't second think my decision to give him my phone number, and instead smiled, also.

Walking into the hospital's lobby, I noticed that not only was it grand, but it smelled of cough syrup and sick, old people. There were a few kids running around a stature of a man standing proudly dressed in attire that probably dated back to the 18th century. He must have been the founder of the hospital.

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