Chapter 11.

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"Do to others as you would have them do to you." - Luke 6:31

Genesis Williams
{ July 10th, 2014 | 2:51 p.m }

Nathan never came, something that I didn't expect at all.

I told my aunt, uncle, and cousins that if a boy named Nathan came to the door asking for me, to tell him that I wasn't home or that I was sleeping. It's day number 5, and he still hasn't stopped by, but still, every single day so far this week, I would repeat my request to my relatives. It's better to be safe than sorry.

There has actually been a lot of tension in the household lately; especially with everyone being stressed out about the court hearing that has been re-scheduled, yet again, to the 16th.

My Aunt Jo and Uncle Bobby have been arguing constantly for the past week, and although at times it is funny; it is starting to get under my skin, and I'm sure their boys are feeling the exact same way whenever we hear them break out into a loud argument.

I believe that I have been more stressed out than anyone else in the house. Adding the court situation, along with the whole Nathan situation; the pressure that I'm under is extremely overwhelming.

This is my father's money. $4.5 million dollars that are in an account that should have been handed over to me anyway since I am his only dependent. But no, they decide to make a big deal out of the thing, and schedule a court hearing to decipher who rightfully gets the money. It's basically Williams v Williams v JP Morgan Chase Bank; Chase Bank is the bank who is holding the money.

I have been laying low really, not like I haven't already since the day that I have arrived in Louisiana. I have ignored August the few times that he dropped by this week. He claimed that he just came by to see how everyone was doing, yet his eyes never left mine.

I only stayed down there for the pleasure of my tormenting. He wanted to talk to me, yet I would always run either up stairs or outside, and my getaway was made easier when one of the Brownseed boys would stop to talk to him. All visits led to an easy escape, making his stay less enjoyable for him, and more enjoyable for me. I found it funny how his face would scrunch up when Antonio would call him over to finish a video game, or Uncle Bobby wanted to lecture August about helping his mother out more.

He must want to explain what the hell that phone call that he made to Cassandra was all about. He sounded so fake, almost robotic, yet I couldn't believe the words that came out of his mouth. Once he caught me eavesdropping, I ran as fast as I could. I couldn't face the confrontation, and my emotions were all over the place. I was angry, sad, upset, confused, and still at a slight daze from the drug that Nathan implanted into my water that one night.

It's weird, though, that I haven't seen Nathan since then. The place were he confessed that he stayed can be easily seen from the window in my room, and it always appears to be vacant. It's scary.

"Genny!" My aunt's voice rang from downstairs. "Come down hea' real quick!"

I was sitting in my bedroom, picking out an outfit that I can wear for my court hearing. I was still deciding on whether or not to wear Tommy Hilfiger, or Burberry when she had called me.

I sighed and walked out of my room, down the stairs, and to the kitchen. My aunt was sitting at the kitchen table and she had her attorney for the court trial, Ericka Clark, sitting in the seat that was directly across from her.

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