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I woke up feeling like a steaming pile of crap. Another day of sorrow. I heard it; the sound. The deathly screech of the electronic alarm clock. I drearily came too. I felt an awareness, I knew I was awake, though I didn't want too be. My arm, controlled by instinct reached out and found the snooze button. My eyes stood fast, clamped shut. I thought for a moment that I might recover, that I might just slip back into the comfort of a dream, I could feel the comfort of silence overcome my body, then beep beep beep. There was a sigh, a grunt, and a shuffling of blankets. My eyes were open, and I was ever so reluctantly awake.

"Good morning sis." I heard Davy's voice chirp from my door as I turned my head seeing him titling on the doorframe.

"Oh great, your awake." I said while gritting my teeth, forcing a smile.

"Yup and I made you breakfast but I ended up eating it." He sighs, a smile plastered onto his face.

"Ugh whatever." I rolled my eyes rolling the blanket off of my lap as I stood up from my bed walking too the bathroom unenergized.

I had washed my slobbered face then finally getting ready after applying my usual makeup; mascara, eyeliner, and eyebrows. Also maybe some lipgloss.

I crossed the hallway, aware of the sound of my shoes squeaking on the linoleum. How come I couldn't tread lighter? Teens surrounded me, spoke in hushed tones. I could only catch snippets of conversation, but I could almost feel eyes on the back of my head. Stomach growling, I hurried down the steps.

I couldn't find an eye for Troye or Alexa so I hurried too my 3rd period since I was late for the first two. My mind was so preoccupied I didn't notice all the racket happening around me until Leah started laughing extremely loud. God, this class was a mess full of annoying students. The jocks were throwing the football around, the girls were as usual gossiping. All the teacher was doing was...reading? How can he read with a noise like this? So loud I can feel it.

Rapping of pencils from against the tables. Bodies were blocking the view of the blackboard as nobody noticed me come in cause of all that ruckus. There was so much paper throwing passing my desks as I tried ignoring while pretty girls were just giggling and gossiping. Excitement at their freedom from our sub.

The teacher arched his neck and squawked over him, desperate and frustrated. The kids settling down because they feel a socially obligated to. Even in what the teacher calls silence, there are still laughs and minuscule coughs penetrating the quietness.

"Hello." I heard a voice chirp from in front of me as I jumped a little looking straight at a boy who had a grin on his face, an unfamiliar boy who seemed new.

"Hi?" I raised my eyebrows in confusion as he coughed a little seeming like he was clearing his throat.

"Mind me sitting here? Uhh.." He began, scanning around the noisy class, "There's too many noisy people sitting around and I really want too sit somewhere peaceful so I can finish my work."

He had Azure blue eyes, icy cerulean eyes that pierce your soul. Colbalt. Stormy blue eyes like crashing waves. His short curly locks of mocha colored hair that stood up.

"Sure." I whispered, not sounding clear enough as I repeated, "Yeah."

"Loud class huh?" He turned his head too me as I flinched seeing him with a smirk.

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