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In which a famous Youtuber and the lead singer of 5 Seconds of Summer meet over a text with only each other's first name. Little did they know they were fans of each other, only if the last names were told.

Unknown Number: Is it hey or hi! Hey Mikey. I'm just making sure I got the right number. Ashton called me and told me that your number got leaked. :-)

Me: Who is this? The last time I checked, my name wasn't Mikey. My number didn't get leaked. Why are you texting me at two thirty in the morning?

Unknown Number: It's Luke, remember your bandmate? Dude, it's four thirty in the AFTERNOON.

Me: I'm sorry but you have the wrong number. I'm Riley, and you must not be America.

Luke: Well, hi Riley. I'm in Australia at the moment, but I think we can be great friends.

Me: Ok Luke. I'm your new American friend.

(This story isn't just going to be in message format.)

Text Messages. A Luke Hemmings Fanfiction.Where stories live. Discover now