Something More

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[Ellie's POV]

I watch anxiously at my laptop screen as i constantly refresh the page. I am so close to the big 3 million. I don't take my eye of the screen, I just keep refreshing. I can hear the faint sounds of my phone going off from all the tweets from other youtubers, trying to get me to the next milestone in my video making career. We are like a little family. 

"C'mon, only 5 more." My hands began to shake and my heart starts pounding as I click the refresh button for hopefully the last time. And there it is. The subscriber count finally reads "3,000,000 Subscribers." I sigh in relief, unsure of how to react. I am currently in a state of mixed emotions. It's times like these you really do realise how far you've come and all the support you have. I can't help but jump around my bedroom in pure excitement, letting a few happy tears drizzle down my cheek.

If i thought the buzzing from my phone before was bad, the buzzing my phone was currently making right now was completely insane. I look and see texts and tweets from all my youtube friends and family. There's tweets from Zoe, Marcus, Tyler, Sam, Jenna, Grace, Alfie, Finn, Louise, Joe, Maz, Louis and a quick retweet from Jack Harries, one of my closest friends. Jack and I met mid last year and ever since have been the best of friends. The past couple of months our friendship has grown stronger with all these colabs, parties and youtube conventions. We are known to be inseparable and are constantly being shipped, which annoys us both as we don't see each other as any more than friends. As it is coming into the early hours of the morning, I get ready for bed and do my last check on twitter before I sign out for the night and drift off to sleep. I was in the middle of sending a thank you tweet when I get a text from Jack.

"Hey Babe, congrats on 3 Mill. Honestly am so proud of you and what you have achieved. Was hoping maybe we could go out for a celebration dinner tomorrow night with the rest of the gang. Yay or Nay? x."

I quickly finish off the thank you tweet before replying to Jacks lovely message.

"Thank youuu :) And tomorrow night sounds great. Can't wait x." I quickly hit the send button, before drifting off to a long, deep, well deserved sleep.



I wake up to the deafening sound of my alarm clock, which I don't even remember setting. But anyway, it was 8 o'clock so at least I had more time to do some shopping and get ready for tonight. 

I quickly hop in the shower and get dressed into a playsuit and my favourite pair of doc martens. I tie my hair up into a loose, high pony tail and put on as less amount of makeup as possible, as I'm not the kind of girl that goes all out. It was a Monday meaning my younger sister Poppy was at school and my parents were both out working until later tonight. I had just completed my final year of school so I guess you could say that i'm on my "gap year" but really I'm not because I have to look for a job and try and get accepted into some kind of university. 

I make my way out into the beautiful London sunshine and drive into Central London to do some well deserved shopping. Being a youtuber meant that I got paid a reasonable amount for my content. I like to use the money I earn to help my family out, filming equipment and maybe even a little "pampering", which is what I plan on doing today. After my manicure, foot massage and wax, i make my way to some of my favourite shops and practically break my credit card on clothes I don't even need, but it was worth it. I make my way around the streets of London, admiring the splendid view of the big ben and london eye. It was 3pm and I think I had done way too much shopping, so it was time to get home. 

As I am making my way back to the car, I get a text from Jack. 

"Hey Ellie. I'll meet you at Wagamamas at 6 tonight. See you then x"

I reply with a quick "Ok" and start driving back home to get ready. I hadn't seen any of the youtubers for ages, except for Jack of course, so i was really excited for tonight for I guess what you could call, a 'Youtuber Reunion.'

I hop back into the shower spending way more time in there than i needed too. I then slip on a short, black dress and some ballet flats. I blow dry my hair dead straight then make long, loose curls, which was my signature hair-do. I then applied on some makeup, putting on slightly more then I wore before. And in no time it was 5:45pm and it was time to leave for dinner. I arrive at Wagamammas right on 6 and am greeted with a tight hug and kiss on the cheek from both Jack and Finn. 

"Aw, Congrats Ellie!" Finn says with a big grin on his face. "What an achievement." I continue talking to the boys as we make our way inside. 

"Booking for 14 thanks."

I glance at Jack, giving him the 'holy shit, how many people are coming' face. He does nothing but laugh as we make our way to our long table for 14. Jack made me sit on the end and he sat next to me, with Finn sat beside him. Not long after and Marcus, Alfie and Caspar come in, greeting me with hugs, kisses and lots of "Congrats!" Before they even got the chance to sit down, in came Tanya, Jim, Zoe, Fleur, Louise, Sam, Louis and Maz. I was so happy to see the girls as it had been so long and we were overdue for a catch up. Everyone sat down and made their orders, and I couldn't help but feel so grateful for them all being here. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2013 ⏰

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