"What's it gonna take to get you up?" I reasoned.

"Nothing" he huffed like a child.

"There has to be something"


"We can try snails today. I know you wanted to do that while we're here" I told him. He shook his head.

"Ok how about this, if you don't get up I won't kiss you for the whole day." His eyes widened.

"That's cruel" he whispered. I shrugged my shoulders. Then he pulled his arms away from me and sat up in bed. I smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek.

"Hey, you missed" he pouted again.

"You're technically not out of bed yet" I told him as I stood up and took my hair out of the bun I had it in. I looked in the mirror and I looked terrible. My hair was sticking up in all different directions and the mascara I had put on yesterday smudged onto my lower eyelid. I groaned at my reflection.

"I think I should take a shower before we do anything" I sighed as I felt Niall's arms wrap around my waist again and I saw his head rest on my shoulder in the mirror 

"May I join you?" He asked and I laughed at him, pausing for a second.

"Sure" I shrugged and his eyes widened.

"wait really?"

"Yes" I laughed at his surprised face. Then I lead him to the bathroom.


After we both got ready we decided to video chat the boys and Shannon. Liam was visiting family and he was with Sophia, Harry was with Skye, Louis with Eleanor, and Zayn with Perrie.

Once everyone had logged on and their faces had popped onto the screen, they all started talking at once.

"Hey!" Niall yelled, trying to get their attention. It didn't work

"GUYS SHUT UP" Shannon yelled and they all went quiet. She smiled triumphantly. Then Alex popped up next to her and I squealed, literally.

"ALEX!" I yelled and he smiled and waved.

"Hey Nellie! Wow, I haven't seen you in like two weeks and you're as gorgeous as ever" He said back. Niall gave him a curious look, then gave one to me, before looking back at the screen.

"So guys, merry Christmas Eve!" Liam cheered.

"Hi Sophia! Oh Perrie hi! And El I miss you so much!" I exclaimed as I noticed each girl on the screen.

"What about me?" Shannon and Skye said at the same time.

"I just saw you guys a few days ago" I laughed. "But it's still good to see you"

"What about me Nellie? You haven't seen me in what feels like forever and I don't get a hello?" Louis asked, wiping away a fake tear.

"Louis I saw you last week"


"Should we tell them now?" Niall asked. I looked over at him and shrugged. We had kept our engagement a secret for the passed month, just because we wanted it to be a surprise. Then I guess we could never find the right moment. Now seemed just as good as any.

"Sure" I told him and everyone was giving us confused faces, wondering what we were saying. Then I held up my hand containing the ring Niall got me. The boys were the first ones to understand, as I guess Niall told them he was going to propose. Skye looked like she understood too, so maybe Harry had told her. The other girls, not so much.

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