Chapter 40: Pranks and Promises

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Nellie's POV:
"I assume you both know why I've called you here?" I looked across the dining room table at Eleanor and Shannon in a very professional way, or at least I tried to make it professional. It has been a week since we arrived back in London and all three of us have been staying in the boys shared house. I've been to see my aunt obviously, but she has been working like crazy lately and she thinks it's fine that I stay here since we wouldn't see much of each other either way.

"I assume you want us to help you get revenge on Harry?" Shannon asked and an evil smile formed on my face. All week Harry has been watching out for me and it's been hilarious. He jumps at every little thing and when he sees me come in the room or walking towards him he gets this deer in the headlights expression.

"You know me all too well" I grinned at the both of them. "Now, I have a few ideas..."

"Nellie, c'mon it was just a bit of teasing why do you need to get him back?" Eleanor asked me and I raised an eyebrow at her.

"No one embarrasses me. If they do they must be prepared for payback" I gave her a hard expression, even though I know deep down that I just really wanted an excuse to prank Harry.

"Well then...remind me never to cross you" she mumbled and I smiled triumphantly. 

"So anyways, I have planned a day of torture for Mr. Styles." And I took the next twenty minutes describing every prank that I would set on him for the rest of the day. When we finished planning it was around 9:30 am and I knew Harry would be waking up in about an hour, which meant that we needed to get started.

I got out all the supplies I had bought over the passed week and I grabbed a blow horn first. We walked into Harry's room, being careful not to disturb his sleeping.

We walked into his bathroom and taped the blow horn to the part of the wall where the door handle would hit it. This way when Harry opens the door to his bathroom the blow horn will go off.

We left Shannon to finish that up and I took El back into the kitchen.

"Don't tell me your going to poison his food or something" she looked apprehensive and I just laughed.

"Of course not I'm not that mean, I'm just going to turn his drink into a time bomb" I shrugged off her look of shock and took out the pack of mentos. I placed about four of them in an ice tray and filled it with water before putting that in the freezer.

"Ok tell me why your making mentos ice cubes?" Eleanor asked me and I just smiled.

"You will see later today" I told her before I took out a Febreze spray bottle and put a zip tie around the trigger. Shannon, who had re joined us, raised an eyebrow at me. I just shrugged it off again and hid the bottle in the cabinet. We decided to go watch some TV to kill some time before the boys wake up.

It was around 11:30 am when we heard the blow horn go off.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT" Harry screamed and we all bursted out laughing before running to Harry's room to find him on the floor clutching his heart. This caused us to laugh so hard that we fell on the floor along side him.

Liam Louis and Niall gathered around the door to see what was going on.

"What just happened?" Liam looked at us like we were all crazy as we tried to catch our breath, but the second one of us tried to explain we bursted out in a fit of giggles again.

Niall walked over to Harry's bathroom door and started laughing himself as he un stuck the blow horn from the wall and showed it to the other boys. 

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