Chapter 16

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The sun was shining through the windows and the birds were chirping beautifly outside. im joking, my morning was nothing like that. I woke up when I heard a loud crash coming from downstairs. Immediately, I untangled myself from the sheets and made my way to the stairs as fast as possible with my injuries.

The sight before me was absolutely hilarious.

Jackson was laying on the floor, tangled in a bunch of wires and books surrounding him. His face and shirt was covered in flour that made him look like a ghost. I burst out laughing as he looked at me in embarrassment.

"Stop laughing?" cried Jackson, which only made me laugh harder.

After about 5 minutes of uncontrollable laughter I managed to calm down but was still breathing heavily.

"Are you okay?"

I turned around and saw Clayton and Parker standing there looking at me weirdly. I realized that they could not see Jack because I was blocking their view so I stepped aside. They stared at each other for a good 30 seconds then Clayton and Parker were laying on the floor holding their stomachs from laughing.

"It's not funny!" yelled Jackson who was not scrambling to get up. I helped him up as best as I could, still slightly laughing.

Once the 2 boys had sobered up we decided to question Jackson on what he was doing.

"Hey Jack, why were you covered in flour and surrounded by books and wires?" I asked.

"I was trying to make pancakes but after an hour of trying I came here to get the cookbook. I tried again but used an electric mixer and the flour just exploded in my face because it was on high speed. I quit and came here to just order you guys breakfast because I was trying to be nice, then tripped over the phone cord which knocked over all the books" he said scowling at all three of us.

"Oh Jackson," said Parker placing a hand on Jack's shoulder, "next time just let us do the cooking."

"Fine, I guess being nice is out the window. I'm going to take a shower" he says waving then running up the stairs.

When he was up the stairs we took a seat on the couch in the living room.

"So, Blair how are you feeling?" asked Parker.

I groaned remembering that I was infact sick.

"Like a million bucks" I said sarcastically.

"Lay down until Parks and I make some breakfast" Clayton said.

I nodded and lay down on the large comfy couch. Parker draped a fuzzy blanket over me and I immediately snuggled in. The boys left and I was left staring at the wall.

I remembered that my phone was in my pocket so I pulled it out and saw that I had quite a few text messages.

17 were from Jessie, and 1 was from an unknown number.

Oh my god! I completely forgot about Jessie with everything that has been going on.

I opened up the messages quickly.

Hey Blair

How've you been?

Why are you not answering?

OMG I heard what happened at the fight!

Are you alright

Why didn't you tell me

Answer meeee

Parker texted me and said that you were alright thank god but...


why would you fight someone 15 times your size

Are you alright?????


The texts continued on with her worrying. I felt extremely guilty that I made her worry. I texted her back saying that I was alright and i'm sorry for worrying her.

I opened up the new message from the unknown number.

Hey Bee! Long time no see. I'm gonna be in town during winter break. Wanna hang out??? ~ L-Dawg

I squeal in joy, my mood suddenly becoming better.

L-Dawg is my best friend. He has been with me since the 3rd grade when these kids were making fun of me and he yelled at them till they left. His name is Landon. I felt really guilty for leaving him behind at the last town I lived in but it's what I had to do and he understood. That's what I love about Landon. He always understands.

Hell yeah Landy! Just tell me the time and place

I specifically called him Landy because he hated that name. We just love messing around with each other. It's how we roll.

Having nothing better to do I turn off my very old phone and stare at the wall becoming very sleepy thanks to Jackson.

For once in my life I actually have people that I feel like I can trust again.

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