Chapter 2: Tutors and Hallway Incidents

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Today is the second day of school. After yesterdays encounter with the blonde bimbo nobody has dared to even look at me out of fear that i might hurt one of them. I guess that got the message out that I am not to be messed with.

So here I am now walking in the hallway of Union High School going to my English class. I was almost there when a dark haired skyscraper boy knocks my books out of my hands then just walks away. Annoyed with him, I walk over to him then drag him by his ear to wear my books are splattered all over the floor. "Ow, what the hell are you doing" he complains while i just pull on his ear even harder. "Pick them up" I point to the floor while he just rubs his ear. "No why would I take orders from you", "maybe because you knocked them out of my hands and didn't even say sorry" i reply with anger lacing every word. Then two very tall guys that are just a little shorter than the brunette walk behind him and smirk. I'm guessing they are his friends. The taller one of the two says "Clayton just pick them up man". So the guys name is Clayton, that's different, I think to myself. "Parker who's side are you on" says Clayton. "The one that gets me to class faster" replies Parker. I notice that this Parker guy has a British accent. Clayton huffs in annoyance and mutters "fine" and bends over to pick my books. He shoves them in my hands and says "happy now?". "Very" i reply smugly while smirking. He storms off and I just walk towards my English class.

Why is everyone in this school so rude, I think to myself. Once i'm at English class i walk in and head straight for the back seat that is next to the window. While pulling out my ear buds i put my music on shuffle and 'fall out boy is blasting through them.

All of a sudden a loud 'BOOM' echoes through the room and the class jumps in there seats. Looking up, the same guy that knocked over my books walks through the door that i'm pretty sure now has a dent in it. "How nice of you to join us" says Mr.Stevens. Clayton doesn't reply but just goes to sit down at the last available seat which happens to be next to me. I mentally groan and just decide to take a nap since my mo already taught me everything i need to know about this class before she died, so i can basically pass this class in my sleep.

The bell finally rings and I start walking towards the door. Just as i'm about to exit the teacher speaks up, " Mrs.Blair Evans and Mr.Clayton Woods I would like to see you for a moment please". I sigh and walk over to his desk at the same time Clayton does. "So Mr.Woods I noticed that you are currently failing this subject". Confused as to why i'm part of this conversation Mr.Stevens continues "and I was wanted Blair to tutor you since she is my top student". "Why me, why can't someone else do it" i complain. "Yeah there has to be someone else" says Clayton. "She is the best student in my class and in order for you to pass this next assignment you are going to need her help. Now no more arguing, you two will meet after school and work together but you will have to figure out the time and place". We both sigh and walk out of the room. Clayton stops me and says "meet at your house after school today". "I'm busy today so meet me at the library tomorrow", I say then walk away leaving no room for discussion.

I decided that I need to fight at the bar today because i'm very short on money, and that is mainly the reason why I didn't tutor Clayton today.

Once I get home I do all my homework and take a nap to get a little energy because I don't have any food.

4 hours later, it is now 9:30 pm and i'm fully rested so i start to change into my fight clothes and put on my mask so that nobody there knows who I am. Getting on my bike, I put my helmet on and speed off to the bar.

After I get there I managed to stumble through sweaty drunk men and find the sign up center. After i sign up, I stretch out a bit until they call me up by my street name which is 'Black Jack'. I step onto the ring and the crowd cheers since i'm very well known here. They call up my opponents name and he walks up onto the ring and has a very cocky smirk on his face. "This is going to be too easy" I hear him mutter to himself. The bell sounds and we circle each other and I wait for him to make the first move. He attempts a punch at my face but I quickly dodge it and punch him in his gut. He doubles over in pain and I take this as an opportunity and grab his neck then knee him in the face multiple times. He falls to the floor and I walk away thinking the fight is done but he grabs onto my ankle and I fall to the ground. He sits on top of me and starts punching my face. I mange to block most of them but do to the lack of food in my system I got very tired and he punched my cheekbone twice and i could already tell that it would bruise. My blood is now boiling in anger and I push the guy off of me and start to punch his face left and right. After about 45 seconds of me punching him he gives up and drops his hands. I keep punching until he is unconscious then I stand up while the drunk crowd cheers. I collect my money and run out. Once i'm on my bike I speed off to my apartment.

Once i get home, i go to take a shower. i look into the mirror and see a dark purple bruise has started to form on my cheekbone and i have a busted lip. I can't afford to buy any makeup to hide it so i guess i'll just have to keep my head down at school.

After my shower, i go to lay down in my bed and remember that i have to tutor Clayton the next day. Tomorrow is definitely going to be a long day.


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