"I-I have to go now" I said breaking our eye contact.

His facial features tensed up a bit.
"Why are you still scared of me, Cara?" He said a bit annoyed and saddened at the same time.

You see! This is what I'm talking about!
"I-I'm not" I said lying way too obviously. He just stared at me knowing that I had lied.
"Oh yea?" He said leaning down to my ear "Then prove it too me" he said whispering. My body shivered a bit. Wait. He can barely move his upper body, I have to take advantage of this. Ok you can do this Cara. I grab both of his wrist forcefully and start to quickly walk him backwards until his back was up against the wall.
"Shit, I should've said this way sooner to you" he said smirking.
Ok I just have to stay...confident. Oh god. I slowly press my hips against his and start to kiss his jaw line. I heard a playful moan escape Marks mouth. I smiled at what I had accomplished. But before I knew what was happening, he swiftly grabbed my wrists and swapped our positions.
"As much as I like you in charge, I would much rather be" he said smirking. He pressed my wrists to the wall and started to kiss my neck, trailing down to my collar bone. He pressed his hips against mine and I couldn't help but let out a gasp. I knew he was smirking without having to look at his face. He backed up a bit to look at me. His brown eyes didn't cease to amaze me. He leaned down and kissed the corner of my mouth.
"Wanna go somewhere?" He said still looking at me.

"What? Go somewhere? Where would we go?"

He stood there thinking. "How about the coffee shop?"

Oh god no that's a terrible idea. What if Grayson is there again? I would try to convince him to go somewhere else but who am I kidding, it's Mark. He's gonna win no matter what I say. I just have to mentally prepare for this. I simply nod my head.
"Ok let me get dressed" he said winking at me then walking off to his bedroom.

~time skipped~

We get to the coffee shop and we go to stand in line at the register. I decided on a hot chocolate (obviously) and Mark got some fancy shmancy coffee. He would. Mark chose a table near the window to sit at. I think he knows that I like to look outside and people watch. We talk for a bit about anything that comes to mind, occasionally sipping on our drinks when Mark's phone begins to ring.

"Oh hold on, I have to take this- ah stay here, don't move" he said looking right into my eyes.

"Ok I won't" I said reassuring him. He walked out of the shop to talk on the phone. I sat there looking around the shop at all the people and outside of the window at all the buildings and trees. I get cut off by my little happy place when I feel someone sit down. I started to turn thinking it was Mark but I turn my head and stare into the bruised face of Grayson. You've got to be fucking kidding me.

"Oh my god Grayson, what happened- I mean what's uh..?" I hope that this isn't all done by Mark.
He laughed a bit.
"Oh all of this?" He said motioning to his face. He had a splint on two of his fingers and a busted lip and traces of a black eye. "What a funny story it is. Yea this was your little dickhead of a boyfriend" he said rolling his eyes. I was shocked to hear him say that. He seemed like such a nice guy.
"Excuse m-" Grayson cut me off.

"Why are you even with him, Cara? Does he actually love you? Do you love him? He seems really dangerous to me. I mean, look what he did. I don't want to see what he would do to you." He said a bit harshly looking in my eyes.

"Mark would never hurt me".

"Are you sure about that?" He got up from his chair and walked out the back of the coffee shop. I sat there not knowing what to think. I can't believe Mark did all of that to him. I mean I knew he was strong but...

Just then as if on cue, Mark walked back into the shop and sat down.
"Sorry about that, I didn't think it would take that long".
I scooted away from him slightly. He looked at me confused.
"Cara" He said trying to pull my chair back but I had my foot wrapped around the table leg. He could tell that something was wrong. He brought his hand up to mine but I yanked away.

"Cara what's wrong?"

"I saw Grayson. I saw what you did to him".

He leaned back in his chair with a blank face. He sighed "Cara I-"

"No you- why would you do that?"

He tensed up "I wasn't the only one participating, Cara".

"Don't give me that shit Mark. You literally broke two of his fingers. All because you assumed" I sat there staring at him waiting for him to say something, but he didn't. I quickly got up from my seat and walked out of the shop with Mark trailing behind me. I made it outside before he grabbed my wrist and spun me around.
"Cara stop-"

"No no just stop it! Mark you can't do this to me! You're making me feel so..so....ugghh I don't even know! You're constantly changing every minute and I can't keep up! When are you gonna snap and lash out at me and bruise my lip or give me a black eye or-"

"HEY! I would never hurt you and you know that! So don't give me that bullshit!" He backed up spinning around pacing and rubbing his hands over his face. He stood in front of me facing me again, still angry. "Cara, I love you. Ok? I love you. The first time I ever saw you I wanted to love you. I knew that I would." I could see his eyes getting watery and his head dropped. I stood there with shock I didn't know what to do with. I immediately wrapped my arms around him and laid the side of my head against his chest.
"I-I love you too" I whispered against his chest. It's true. No matter what he's put me through, I don't know, I'm constantly thinking about him. I want to be with him all of the time and make sure he's okay. No matter what he's done, I always come back, I couldn't make myself leave if I wanted to.

We stood there for what felt like hours. He slowly pulled away and looked at me. My head dropped from sudden shyness, my mind instantly pulling up what I had just told him. He back up and held his hand out for me. I was hesitant to take it.
"Cara" he said sternly. I complied and grabbed his hand and he walked me to his car.

"Where are we going?" I asked looking over to him.

"Hmm... Let's go to your place".


Early update yeet! Lol I hope this chapter is good. I tried really hard. I wanted situations like this to happen but I wanted to make sure that they would sound weird to read. So I've proof read this chapter 50 million times. On another note, that new best fiends video though, am I right?

A Different Darkiplier. A Markiplier fanfiction.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें