The End

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I was shaking when
I told you I met someone else
You said, fuck you
And I said we could still be friends but you
Didn't want that.

You didn't even want
My offer to always be there, even if we weren't friends
You said you wanted nothing at all from me so
I left you alone.

I'm shaking now and
It's because I realize you
Never truly loved me.

You don't know what love is.

But now I do.

I don't deserve the way you treated me

The long distance, never even trying to see me
The late night texts after a week of ignoring me, saying, I've been busy. Haven't had much opportunity to talk to you.
The later nights when even after I said no, you kept begging for me to talk dirty.

All you wanted was my body, didn't you?

You didn't love me

You loved my body,
You loved my curves
You loved the length of my beautiful blonde hair and
You loved the symmetry of my pouty face.

You treated me like a trophy and
Put me on the wall.

Well, let me tell you something
Just because you've seen me naked, doesn't mean you know me at all
Just because you've seen my scars, doesn't mean you know my pain
Just because you've seen my blemishes, doesn't mean you know my flaws.

Don't open a book you have
No intention of closing.

This is my last chapter with you and
I'm sorry you were even a part of my life because you
Didn't deserve to be in it.

But I'm happy to say,
I've got a boyfriend now and
He's made of gold.

I'm happy to say, I do not love you anymore.

I will no longer cover you up or try to forget you,
But I will continue to live my life in happiness.

That is why I put this story back up.

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