Chapter 7

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Jesy's POV

I'm on my way back to get Bre hoping I did the right thing in trusting Fifth Harmony. I knock on their dressing room, walk in, and see Breanna sleep peacefully on the couch while the girls get their makeup done and outfits on. I smile

"How was she?" I smile and pick her up gently

"She was great. We had a lot of fun. We played board games, and we started to watch a movie, but she fell asleep on Camila. Hence, we turned it off" Normani smiled. " awe, that sounds like fun, but let me tell you, girls, this if you ever hurt her while we're on this tour, I will have her personally put a wooden stake through each of your hearts while I hold you down. Now, if you don't mind, we have to go." I warn them

Lauren scoffed, and I walked out, not wanting Bre to wake up and find out. I'd rather keep this a secret until it becomes too hard to keep from her and we have to tell her but, I hope it never comes to that.

Once we get back to our dressing room and Bre starts, I set her down on the couch and notice something on her shirt by her neck.

"does anyone else smell that?" Perrie asks, and I nod

"there's blood on her shirt, and it's hers." I say, looking up, clenching my fist till they turn white. "I'll  be back" I go to the door but am stopped by Perrie standing in front of me

"let me handle this, okay? I'll go talk to them and find out what happened, okay?" she says, knowing I'd probably kill them if I go and "talk" to them." I nod my head and sit on the couch with her waiting for her to wake up from whatever hell they put her through completely.


Jesy is beyond upset. As much as I hate Fifth Harmony, I hope they didn't do anything to Bre. I go to their dressing room and knock on the door, and Normani opens it.

"Can I help you? We're a little uh busy," she says with the smell of blood dripping from her mouth.

"We need to talk now before Jesy comes and kills all of you!" I push past her and see two young girls with bite marks all over their bodies. "Did you guys drink from Breanna?!" I ask and look at all of them

"Of course not. Why would you ask that?" Camila stands up, getting defensive. I raise an eyebrow and look at her with a look.

"She had blood on her shirt. Next time don't be so sloppy. Now, what happened while she was with you? Answer me, and I won't put a stake through your heart." I say sweetly

"Perrie, there's five of us and one of you right now, so I don't think that threatening us is a good idea for you right now," Lauren says, getting in my face.

"You have about two minutes before I set off this vervain grenade off and all of your faces and take off before it hits me," I smirked, holding a vervain grenade.

"All right, both of you shut up. I'm getting annoyed this is ridiculous. I'll tell you what happened but put that thing away" I nod and put it away in my purse.

"All we did was play a game of truth or dare, and Camila was dared to drink from Breanna. She didn't drink that much, and we compiled her to forget and go to sleep before you guys got here. It didn't even hurt her."

"Tell that to her mum; she's beyond mad she was going to come over and kill you guys, but I couldn't let her do that because I don't want to ruin Demi's tour. Even though I could come up with a great lie for what happened to you all," I smirk, "now what I'm going to tell Jesy is that you guys were feeding on these girls. One of them tried to run and ran right into breanna, getting her blood on her, and they have the same type of blood" they all nodded, and I walked out, wanting to get away from the smell of that blood. It was so tempting.

Now I have to talk to Jesy. Wish me luck...

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