Bonus Chapter: Emily&Henry

Start from the beginning

Emily started the car and in no time, they had arrived at Macie house. Henry thought that he should walk her to her door, but from the look on Emily's face if he even touched the door knob she would snap. "I'll see you Monday." He told Macie with a smile.

She smiled back at him sadly. "Okay."

Once the door was shut Emily quickly sped. Henry wanted to ask her what her problem was, why she had gotten so upset and forced them to leave the theater. But he was too scared of the answer.

He felt a beep, signaling a new message. He took his phone from his pocket.

Macie: "What was that? Is there something going on between you two?"

Henry: "I not sure why she got so upset, and no there is NOTHING going on between us two."

Macie: "Okay. Would you like to come over tomorrow? My mom said I can have a movie night."

Henry: "Sure."

Macie: ;)

Emily couldn't help but look over and see who texted him. It was her again. It seems like she wouldn't just go away. The slut even had the audacity to invite him over. If she thought she was gonna "Netflix and Chill" with my mate then she had another thing coming.

She stopped the car, she was just a few blocks from his house but she wouldn't wait any longer.

"What are you doing?" He asked in fear.

"I don't think you should be friends with that girl."

"Why not? I like Macie."

From the look on Emily's face, that was the wrong answer. She looked as if she was about to shift, her eyes were dark and her hand was now balled up into a fist.

"I'm going to kill her." Her wolf growled out loud.

"What? What are you talking about?" He reached over to stop her from getting out the car, and that when he felt it. Sparks. They started from his fingers and spread out all over his body. He found himself loving the feel of her body and wanting for her to touch him back.

"What the fuck?" Henry snatched his hand away hers, Emily felt her wolf whimper.

There was a long paused before either of them spoke up. "You're my mate?" He let out a surprised gasped.

"I'm your mate?" He pointed to himself to clarify.

"Yes." She whispered.

He couldn't believe that he hadn't figured it out. From her always staring at her to her coming over more often even with his sister out the house.

"Macie likes you and since you now have me you don't have to be friends with her anymore." She smiled.

Instead of looking happy like she had expected, he looked angry. "So I was supposed to drop everything for you."

She frowned. She was confused on why he was mad, he should actually be lucky that he found his mate this early, this is what most people dream about. "Not everything."

Henry didn't have a problem with finding his mate so early, the problem was Emily. There was no secret that Emily had slept around with a few guys, he had heard it from other people in the pack and even humans that went to our school.

"You didn't wait for me, so why should I?"


"You've slept with guys in the past, the whole schools talks about it."

Her eyes begin to blur with tears and she bit her lip to stop the sob from leaving her mouth. "I'm sorry, I really wish I didn't."

For a second Henry wanted to tell her everything was okay and they were going to get passed this, but he needed time. "How about we try this in a couple of years?"

Emily understood where he was coming from, and she was okay with waiting. She would wait for Henry as long as it took.

"That's fine." She nodded with a smile. "I'll wait for you forever if I have to."

"Great." He said with a smile. "Until then I think I'm gonna date Macie." He turned back straight thinking that this conversation was over and she was just gonna drop him off. Boy was he wrong.

"No." She growled. She felt her wolf pacing in her head, she wanted for Emily to mark her mate as theirs.

Henry was honestly not trying to hurt Emily but he really did like Macie. Despite Henry feeling sparks when he touched Emily he hadn't turned sixteen yet so the bond wasn't as strong as it was for her.

"Mark mate." Her wolf was trying to take over, Emily tried forcing her back down but it was useless if he kept talking this way.

He shrugged. "Why not? I mean why I shouldn't be able to have a little fun before settling down."

That was it her wolf had officially taken over. "What are you doing?" Henry asked frantically.

"Doing what I should have done a long time ago." Emily's wolf growled.

She climbed over the seat and onto Henry lap. Emily was clearly stronger than Henry so she and her wolf could definitely overpower him.

"Emily stop! I'm sorry-."

It was too late. Emily wolf had even found the perfect spot, it was the area on his right shoulder where the neck and shoulder met. It was beyond perfect.

She held him down as her canine extracted. She kissed the area making a moan leave his mouth, her wolf was extremely pleased by this. He tried again to push her away but it was useless, she kissed his neck one last time before leaning in and marking him as hers.

She cleaned his mark once she was done. Her wolf was completely calm now that she had marked their mate, she soon retreated back into Emily's mind leaving Emily to deal with the consequences of her actions.

Emily's intentions were to never force a mark on Henry. She wanted to respect his wishes to give him time but when he told her that he wanted to see other people she had completely lost it. "What have you done?"

Henry & Emily in the MM

Tori Kelly: First Heartbreak


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