Chapter 4

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Sorry for the long wait but I finally finished this chapter and this is the last chapter of the story just to let you know. Anyway I'll let you read now

Disclaimer: I don't own Rugrats they belong to their rightful owners. I only own Savannah, Ebony, and Alan. Gloria belongs to Celrock and I, but mostly to Celrock.

Savannah, Jack, and Gloria watched as whatever was coming towards them got closer. They were to frozen in fear, and frozen in general as they were still shivering, to run or even move for that matter. They all covered their eyes as the thing or person stopped right in front of them. Something then licked Savannah's hand as she peeked between her fingers to see Spike, who was pulling a sled.

"Hey guys its oks it's just the doggie me and Jack metted after we helped it not be a dragon no mores." Savannah said uncovering her eyes

Spike licked Savannah's face as she giggled while Jack and Gloria uncovered their eyes and smiled when they saw that Savannah was right. Jack and Gloria went over to Spike and started petting him.

"Hey look coats and stuffs that you wears when it gets really cold!" Jack said noticing the coats, hats, mittens, and boots sitting on the sled

The trio grabbed the coats and the other items putting them on instantly not feeling as cold.

"I feel much betterer now," Gloria said

"Yeah I'm not cold anymores." Savannah added in

"Come on guys we has to hurrys if were going to make it in time." Jack said "Spike can takes us to the end of the snow and then we can gets to the castle."

"Ok," Savannah and Gloria said getting on the sled as well

Spike then started pulling the babies through the snowy field as the evil witch watched

"Oh stupid dog, now those stupid babies will make it to the castle. I'll just have to get to the castle before those dumb babies do." The evil witch cackled before flying off to the castle

Spike kept pulling the babies through the snowy field as fast as he could. Soon they made it to the end of the snowy field

"Thanks, we couldn't have gotted through the snow without yous." Savannah said petting Spike's head

"Yeah we would have been popsicles." Jack said

"So we're going to the castle nextest right?" Gloria asked

"Uh huh," Savannah nodded taking of her coat, gloves, and boots they all wore in the snow as Gloria and Jack did the same before they headed off towards the castle

After a couple of minutes of walking, Jack, Savannah, and Gloria arrived at the castle as they looked up at the castle.

"Wow this is the biggest castle I ever sawed." Savannah said

"Uh huh, anyways we should goes and find the King and Queen afore it's too late. They should be in the toppy part of the castle." Jack said

"Yeah, right let's go." Savannah said as she and Gloria nodded

The trio then made their way into the castle and up the stairs as they reached the roof of the castle as there was a tower and stairs that led up to the top of the tower which is where the King and Queen were.

"Lookit, the King and Queen must be up theres all we has to do is climb those stairs." Savannah said pointing to the top of the tower and the staircase leading up to the top.

The trio went over to the stairs looking up and were about to climb them when they then heard an evil cackle, it was the evil witch.

"Oh no I hearded the evil witch." Jack said

Tales From The Crib: Sleeping DilWhere stories live. Discover now