Chapter 14. Babysitting and Existential crisis'

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A/N: In this chapter new characters appear, with human names and in case you wanted to match them up to the countries here they are:

Wy - Paulette Kirkland
Seborga - Romeo Vargas
Hutt River - Riley Kirkland
Kugel Mugel - Hubert Edelstein
Molossia - Morro Kevin

Most of these names I borrowed from the accounts I role play(ed) with, I hope you don't mind.


Emil huffed slightly, he couldn't believe what Tino was doing. The male was placing the Christmas tree up and it was mid November. However, Tino was always like that. He would get into the cheery Christmas mood as soon as possible then force everyone else to get into the cheery Christmas mood.

However, Emil had other things on his mind. Staring blankly at the television he wondered what Leon was doing today? Ever since the whole hugging thing (which Emil shouldn't have really made a big deal of, but he did because you know... Life) Emil couldn't truly face Leon. Sure they had to because of school, but it was just truly really awkward. Like the two of them would be standing side by side and Emil would turn red for no reason. Leon on the other hand would notice this and turn red himself. It was like the two boys were the main protagonists to a K-drama.

"Hmm then where's the kissing in the rain scene?" Tino questioned aloud, causing Emil to snap out of his gaze. Tino was doing it again, he was talking to himself. Truly, most people believed under that nice exterior there was a schizophrenic thing going on.

"Don't call me a schizophrenic." Tino hissed as he carefully placed another bobble on the tree. Emil blinked twice then finally popped the important question.

"Tino... Who are you talking to?" Emil questioned, sharing an obvious sense of concern for the male. Tino on the other hand didn't seem as concerned as Emil did. "You'll understand when you break the fourth wall." He reassured.


Emil was about to questioned further until he heard the door shut. Berwald was home. The blond haired male walked into the home and was instantly greeted by Tino; who stopped what he was doing in order to turn around and hug the other. The smaller male ran up then tackled the other to the ground.

Emil watched, this was the exact reason why he was afraid of going against Tino. However, Emil was certain that Tino was possibly one of the nicest in this household.

Berwald whispered something in Tino's ear and a light shade of pink appeared on his cheeks. Tino stood up then glanced over at Emil. "Hey Ice, could you do us a favour and watch the kids for tonight? Berwald booked a reservation for a restaurant."

"I don't really know if I'm-"

"-You don't have a choice in the matter."

"I'll do it." Emil agreed instantly. The young man in front of him laughed gleefully before clasping his hands together. "Great! Now if you don't mind me, I'm off to get ready."

Tino gleefully ran upstairs while Berwald and Emil just watched. That scary man had moments of pure vanity. If there one was one person who perfectly described the phrase of 'never judge a book by its cover.' It was Tino.

Emil just smiled softly. It was a true smile.

One that would rarely come out.


It was a unique sight. Emil, Peter, and Erland all sat side by side on the couch, the three of them all paying close attention to the show on the television. It was a program that was incredibly popular in England. It consisted of a time lord and his multiple companions, and was possibly one of the best shows ever according to Arthur. Tino and Berwald had both left around two hours before, it was getting close to Peter and Erland's bedtimes so Emil was allowing them to finish the episode before bed. However, something happened to Emil, a sudden question appeared in his head. Maybe it was the oncoming end of the year, but Emil found himself questioning life. The sliver haired male paused before sinking to the floor.

From Best Friend to Boyfriend (Hetaila, HongIce)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang