Chapter 3

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Author's Note: I'm sorry the chapters are so short. I've just been wanting to upload quickly and sometimes the longer chapters take longer to edit. But don't worry I will be making the chapters a lot longer from here on out. Thank you for reading.

"Oooh yes Baby. Give it to me Baby. Mhhmm." 

Marshall was fucking his secretary Nia doggy style. He thrusted harder in frustration. He just wanted her to shut up. He came without giving her time to cum and pulled his pants up.  

He couldn't stop thinking about Seven. He hadn't seen her since the last time she came to the office. She wasn't really like most Black females in the sense that she wasn't always all up in his face, and she didn't like to talk a lot. He knew in his gut that didn't trust her ass but still he wanted more of her.

He was interrupted by his thoughts by the sound of Nia sucking her teeth loudly.  

"When you gon' serve the papers?" Nia asked twisting her mouth.

He looked at her. Nia Henderson was from the hood. She was book smart but she was street smart too. She also had a street attitude. Marshall always had to warn her about her attitude with his clients. 

Nia was brown skinned, medium height with a booty that bounced when she walked. He liked that she always wore pencil skirts over her wide hips.  

Marshall slowly looked her up and down and licked his lips, thinking about how he liked to slap that fat ass during sex.

"Hello???" Nia waved her long acrylic red nails in front of Marshall's face. "When you gon' serve the papers??"

"Uhh...soon." Marshall replied waving her off.

"Mm Hmm it better be soon. You told me you were leaving your wife. Don't make me have to come to your house and tell her about how you been fucking around with me all this time."

Marshall looked at Nia incredulously. She was beginning to be too much. She used to be submissive. But you give a woman too much control and they'll flip shit on you. He was going to have to fire her. He just needed to figure out the best way to do it.

"Okay Nia. You're excused now." He said. She just rolled her eyes and walked out of the room.

Marshall sat down at his desk and put his head in his hands. He needed a vacation. His wife and kids were in the Cayman Islands. They asked him to come but he declined because he needed a vacation from them too. He heard a knock on the door to his office.

"Come in." He said exasperated. He groaned when he saw it was Nia again.

"Your wife is on hold do you want me to put her through?" She asked smiling sweetly.

"No." Marshall said finally. He didn't feel like talking to anyone especially not his wife.

"Okay." Nia said with a smirk and walked out the room for the second time.

Marshall was getting tired of that rude bitch.  


Monica stared at the balding white man who was eyeing her resume and blowing his nose with a tissue.  

The office was stuffy as hell and he kept coughing without covering his mouth. Monica tried not to breath and inhale his germs.

He cleared his throat and finally spoke. "I'm going to be quite blunt Ms. Lewis." He said placing his hands on the desk. "In the age of the Internet, magazine sales are dwindling, especially from the urban community. We need an ethnic writer's perspective. We want someone young, and well, Black, like yourself to be able to write hip stories for the African American demographic that will make them want to read our magazine."

Monica raised an eyebrow. So basically they needed someone Black to get more Black readers. Well shit, she wasn't mad at them. Plus she needed the job.

"Well Mr..." She looked for his name card on the desk. "...Tate. I am your best bet for gaining the Black demographic. And I am sure that I could take NY Mag to the next level."

"Alright Ms. Lewis, you're hired. I hope you can do for us some of the things you did at Essence magazine. They had very favorable things to say about you there."

"Of course." Monica said with a smile.

Mr. Tate extended his germy hand over the desk for a handshake. Monica hesitated but shook it anyway. She thanked him and left the office. As soon as the door closed behind her she reached into her bag and pulled out some hand sanitizer.

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