Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Artemis looked at me, then to her sister. Sapphire growled at her, but Artemis turned back to me, and sighed. I was practically begging her to tell me what she knew. I made a face I knew she couldn't resist, and soon, she gave in.

"Luna's been marked. Sapphire brought her here to make sure she was going to be alright."

I stopped her right there. "You MARKED her!?" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I stomped furiously towards her, and looked straight into her green eyes. Her wolf was as tall as Jen's. "What the fuck were you thinking? Are you trying to kill her?"

Sapphire regained her previous position and bared her white canines at me. I wasn't afraid of her though. I felt my adrenaline rush, and before I knew it, I had punched her right in the snout. She flinched, whined, and stepped back away from me. I didn't have any weapons on me, but that didn't mean that I couldn't use my own bare hands.

When the pain subsided, Sapphire made her way towards me again, speeding up with every step. Artemis had jumped in front of me, which caused her sister to stop in her tracks. They were growling at each other, having a conversation that I wasn't capable of hearing.

The vicious growling stopped once the side door of the house opened. Carmen, Griffin, and Luna stepped out.

"I told you they'd be out here arguing." Carmen reached her hand out to Luna and Griffin and they both handed her five dollar bills. "Never bet against me. You'll go broke before you know it."

My siblings rolled their eyes. Luna then looked at me with shock in her eyes. "Jen, what are you doing here?"

"I should ask you the same thing. You have a lot of explaining to do, like why you're sleeping around with her," I pointed to Sapphire, "and why you allowed her to mark you. Do you know how dangerous that is?"

"I'm fully aware." Luna looked at me with the same intensity that I was giving her. "Look, I know you're mad, but you have no right to tell me who I can and can't date. I don't care what I am, and I don't care what Sapphire is. She's proved that I can trust her." She walked up to her mate, and calmed her down. I saw the way Sapphire's eyes softened when my sister started petting her. "It's okay." Luna cooed into her ear.

Sapphire rubbed her head against my sister's arm. She glanced at me to see if the gesture bothered me, and it did. She was trying to get me upset and it was working. Soon, she turned back to go inside the house, passing Carmen and Griffin.

"Um, Artemis, clothes are inside." Carmen announced. Then she too went inside.

"Come on. I have to tell you all something. So, we all might as well have a group conference." Artemis followed behind her sister.

My younger siblings soon went back inside, leaving me outside deciding on how to handle this situation. I figured I had nothing better to do and followed the crowd.

James' POV

"We lost them." I snarled and came to a stop. My sister did the same from behind. We were both panting.

"Damn it, Artemis." Alisha stomped the ground with her paw. "I knew we shouldn't have trusted her with this."

"Hey, I thought it was a good plan."

"Of course you would, it was your plan. I just went along with it. Anyway, let's go report back to the Elders."

Alisha and I made our way back to our territory, and quickly found our grandmother, Elder Elizabeth, speaking with Topaz.

"Where's the hunter?" She asked when we approached.

"And where's Artemis?" Topaz jumped in.

"They both got away."

"What do you mean, 'they got away!?'" Both of them cried in unison.

"They. Got. A. Way. Artemis took the hunter and they ran off somewhere. The hunter was informed that we'd plan an ambush at her house tonight. So, it's safe to say that the house will be empty." I tried to explain.

There was a silence. Then Elder Elizabeth raised a paw, and swung it at my face. I cried in pain. "What the hell was that for!?"

"For letting them escape! For all we know, Artemis could be revealing all of our battle strategies to the hunters, along with Carmen and Sapphire."

"Battle strategies?" Topaz stared at the three of us. "What are you talking about?"

"We have plans on attacking the hunters." Alisha informed her.

"Wait, no. We can't. My siblings are gonna be protecting them, no doubt. We'll outnumber them, and they'll die. I can't let that happen."

"Well, of course not. That's why you and Zev will be there. You two can hopefully talk some sense into the other three." Elder Elizabeth turned back to my sister and I. "As for you two. Go back out there, and track them down. I'll go inform the others that the ambush for tonight is off. Oh, and James, don't slip up again. You may be the Alpha, but the Elders can easily take the title away from you."

I flinched at her comment, but made a good note of it. After I worked so hard to get to the top, I wasn't going to let this slip from my grip. Call me a selfish bastard, I don't care.

"Come on, Sis." I motioned to my sister for us to get moving. "We have business to take care of."

Guys, this story almost has 20K reads. I can't hold my feels, omg, I love you all. :z
So, I see we have quite a few ArtemisxJen fans? Scratch that.. A LOT of ArtemisxJen fans.
Where's team SapphirexLuna? xD

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