"What time does Justin get home?"

"Half five I think."

As expected, we got home by five due to LA traffic and my small trip into a frozen yogurt store which was just too good to resist. I sighed as soon as I pushed open the door thanking Mikey quietly and letting him go home for the day.

I pick up Justin's presents from the stack on the floor that I'd bought today and head upstairs as Esther dances around my feet her small bark making me wince a little as her paws scrab against the floor.

I immediately peel off my white vest top and pink hoodie along with jeans throwing them messily across the room. I pluck one of Justin's checkered shirts out from the pile folded by one of the drawers and wrap it around my body buttoning it up slowly. I wrap my grey fluffy cardigan around my body as I walk down the stairs, Esther following me eagerly. I push everything else at the bottom of the staircase to one side knowing I would only get exhausted if I continued to walk up and down the stairs.

I filled a pan with water turning it on to boil and pulled the pasta out of one of the cupboards, measuring out the right amount for 2 portions. When the water was boiled and it was cooked I mixed in green pesto and added salt and pepper along with a little cheese. I pulled out 2 plates from the cupboard just as the door began to rattle before opening loudly. Esther immediately snapped her head towards the door before growling a little and shooting off towards Justin.

She barked at his feet jumping at him as I watched. He leaned down takin. Her in his arms as she helped and wriggled trying to attack him with love. "Hey Esther." He laughed quietly making my heart flutter as I watch him struggle to keep a hold of Esther. "Hey," he repeats putting her down on the floor only for her to continue dancing happily around his feet., "where's mommy?" He asks and the butterflies hit me again, I've never heard him say that before. It's strangely enjoyable. He's so goddamned perfect it hurts.

"Here." I breathe a wide grin on my face. The way I'm acting you'd think he's been gone for a year not a week.

"There she is." Justin smiles not sparing a moment before he has me wrapped in his arms and holding me close to him. "I missed you so much." He whispers and I grin in reply to his words. "And you lil guy"

"I missed you too." I mumble in reply as Justin's hand brushes my stomach softly and holds marshmallow his eyes suddenly on my stomach with the most loving gaze I've ever seen. "lil guy?" I ask my eyebrow raised as Justin smirks at me.

"I think it's a boy." Justin admits his cheeks going slightly pink as I hum.

"Well I think it's a girl." I say as Justin narrows his eyes at me clearly not happy I'm not agreeing with him.

"You never agree with me." Justin whines and I shrug.

"That's because you're wrong a lot." I tease sticking my tongue out at him causing Justin to laugh at my childish behavior. He leans down and catches my lips in a kiss which makes my mind spin slightly and everything in me simply relax. I'm already so much happier just by him being here. Justin's lips brush mine again and I hum softly in appreciation wrapping my arms around his neck and holding our bodies as close as we could get together. Justin's hands rest on my hips rubbing them softly as his tongue brushes my lower lip making me gasp.

"I made food." I pout unwrapping my arms from Justin's neck and resting them on his shoulders. Justin blinks at me a few times, his stare empty and slightly confused before he smiles again nodding as I grab his hand and pull him over to our table which I'd laid out neatly earlier. I leave Justin to sit down at the table looking fairly amused since I barely ever cook for us as I grab the two plates of pasta which were thankfully still hot and take them into the dining room.

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