The End

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I invited Harry over to settle things. Harry brung over flowers and smiled at me.

"Harry please sit down" He sat on the couch

"Yes Sarah?"

"Harry, I'm married and I hardly know you"

"You don't know me Sarah?"

"Not like I should" I tilted his head back and laughed, there it was a birthmark, Rick's birthmark.

"I should go check on the baby" I went upstairs. I heard him following me slowly, his fotsteps grew closer amd closer. I ran in my me and Derrick's bedroom. I lucked up and found a pocket knife, as soon as he turned the corner to the bedroom I slipped the knife in my back pocket. I rushed over to him and kissed him, I kissed him with a passion too. I layed him on the bed and he ripped my shirt open.

"I always missed you Rick"

"I missed you too Sarah" He unbuckled his pants and pulled down his boxers

"No Rick" With that he grabbed my arms and flipped me over "Please Rick take it easy please"

"No you'll leave again"

"No I won't please stop" He was strong, he ripped my pants and underwear and entered me. I screamed and tried to spuirm away.

"Ok ok I'll do it" He let go. And I got on top of him. I grinded around reached on the floor for my knife. I opened it and said

"I love you Rick"

"I love you too Sarah" I put my arms up and his eyes started to roll back, then I felt it. I shoved the knife in his heart and I let out a scream. I couldn't believe he did that in me, I twisted the knife in anger and got up. And put on some clothes. I called the police

"911 What's your emergency?"

"I-I-I k-k-k" Then I was out

When I woke up I was strapped to the bed and I heard my baby crying. I opened my eyes and saw Rick holding my baby.


"This is our baby"

"No, me and Derrick, not you"

"What happened to you Sarah, you used to be so strong and independent"

"Now look at you"

"Let me go!" I yelled over and over

"I can't do that, you see. You already calljed the police and they're outsude now. I only have a few seconds until they ram this door down, now here's the thing, if I'm going to die, like really die I want you with me." He said putting down the baby. I heard a bang from downstairs and Rick came speeding towards me with a knife. The police men fire their weapons no questions asked and Rick fell with the knife in my shoulder. I screamed in pain and pushed him off of me. The police called the ambulance and they took me and my baby away. As we rode in the truck I lost it.

"Call my husband please call him!" They sedated me and I drifted off. When I woke up I was patched up and in a hospital bed. I picked up the phone beside me and dialed his number.

"Derrick where are you?" I asked

"At Monica's house where are you?"

"The hospital, Derrick don't worry me and Ashley are fine"

"I'll be right there." When he came in he ran to me.

"I'm so sorry I left"

"It's fine. I have something I need to tell you"

"What? Who did this to you?"

"Harry. His real name is Richard, I used to date him in high school and I just found out who he was. Rick was dangerous I had to take care of him."

"Oh my god as long as you're ok"

"He raped me"

"He what?"

I cried and when we got home no one talked. I leyed in bed and looked at him

"I love you" He said

"I love you too Rick" I went downstairs and Derrick followed. I grabbed the knife I held it up.

"I love you Rick" I whispered again. Derrick tried to stop me and I stabbed myself. I stabbed myself repeadedly until Derrick grabbed me. I drifted away, away from pain away from everything. I heard a echo, a voice in my ear it said 'I love you' and I replied.

"You don't know what love is"

THE END............. Hope you enjoyed it. Please comment and tell me what you think

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2011 ⏰

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