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"Look at our LAWN!!! What happened?" I yelled at the yellow grass thst was green yesterday.

"I bet it was him over there" Derrick said walking to his door

"Don't" I ran and it was too late, he already knocked

"Yes, sir" The man said

"Can you explain this?" He said pointing to the grass

"Umm did your sprinklers turn on?"

"The ground is wet"

"Oh well I don't really know but I can do your lawn over if you want"

"That's all you want is money right? Some business?" Derrick was mad. He doesn't really care about lawns but if it makes me happy he'll get it for me.

"I'll do it free" Derrick looked at him like he was crazy

"We don't want your business"

"Stop being mean Derrick" I butted in

"So can I do it?" He asked

"If it's free"

"It sure is thank you"

"How old are you?"


"That beard really ages you" I said

"Yea, it gives me wisdom" He laughed

"Ok when can you start?"


"Do you have the equipment?"

"Oh course I do, whar kind of landdcaper would I be if I didn't"

"Ok thank you, knock on our door when you're ready" We left out and Derrick was going off again

"That is a crazy motherfucker, I know he did it"

"How do you know?"

"Grass just doesn't turn yellow over night"

"Ok Derrick what are you going to do?" He walked away. There was a knock on the door.

"Ok!" I yelled and waved. He got to work. Derrick was upstairs watching football and I worked on my paper work. I looked out of the window and watched Harry. He reminded me of sonebody but I couldn't remember who. I watched his movements and the way he worked.

"What're you doing?" Derrick said

"Oh shit you scared me"

"Yea what were you doing?"

"Looking to see what he was doing"


"I'm just as curious as you, now stop sneaking up on me dammit" I walked out and rushed to the bathroom. I threw up in the sink. I didn't know how far along I was so I want to go to the doctors. When we got there they told me I was three months pregnant I looked like it in my work clothes. I was so happy. When we got home our lawn was looking better.

"Hey, lookin' pretty good so far" I said

"Yea, this is gonna take a while though"

"It's fine, take as long as you need, wanna drink"

"His house is right there" Derrick said

"It's the least we could do for free lawn service"

"Thank you"

"Come in" I said. He came in and looked around.

"Lovely place you got here"

"Thank you" I said. Derrick was tense the whole time. I got him a glass of water and let him get back to work.

ObsessedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora