Chapter 4: "Spending Time With The Kids"

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I woke the next morning to voices down stairs. It sounded like Op was talking to someone. I knew the voice but I couldn't quit figure it out. Then I realized who it was and started to panic. I wasn't ready to see him. Why is he here? Did he know I was here? Tara probably didn't keep her big ass mouth of hers shut. I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize that Jax and Opie had left. The kids were standing in front of me looking at me like I had something on my face.
"What?" I asked trying not to sound annoyed.
"Mommy said you wanted to spend the day with us while she ran errands."
"That is today man I guess I was lost in my own world."
"Yeah let me shower and get dressed then we can go."

Then both nodded and headed to the kitchen. Today was going to be a long day and then tonight is the party. I'm not sure if I'm ready for all the drama that going to come from Jax. But it was time to put my big girl panties on and deal with it.

After my shower I got dressed in jeans and a regular shirt. I applied a little bit of make-up. Put on my boots. I'm a sucker for boots guess Gemma rubbed off on me. Grabbed my purse and keys and headed to find the kids. I found them in the living room watching cartoons.

"Don't worry about Jax, he want even be in charming until later on tonight."

I nodded in response. As the kids and I headed out the door.

"What are we doing today auntie Lexi?"

"I thought we would go shopping for a little while then go to the park after we eat lunch."

"Can we go see Uncle Jax?"

"Not right now sweetie." Was all I said. It broke my heart to tell them no. I knew how much they loved Jax. But I didn't need the bullshit that was going to go down to happen in front of them. It is bad enough that it's going to happen in front of our families and whoever else is at this party. But I can handle Jax or I use to be able to. Truth is I don't know who Jax is anymore. Hell I haven't seen him in 7 years. He's not the only one who's changed I have to. I'm not that weak teenager in love that would always fall for his tricks. I will do whatever it takes to protect what's important to me. I have learned not to take shit from anyone. Gemma Morrow has finally corrupted me.

We spent a few hours shopping. I finally got to spoil my niece and nephew a little. We decided to order or lunch and go to the park to eat. Jax and Opie use to eat lunch at the dinner all the time. In fact it is where Jax and I had our first date, our first kiss. Also according to Gem the club also does business there sometimes. So I was grateful when the kids suggested going to the park.

When we finally made it home it was around 2pm. Gemma called to inform me that the party was going to be pushed back a few hours and start at nine instead of seven. Which was fine with me. It gave me a longer time to figure what I was going to do. I can't hide from him at his own party. Especially when everyone else sees me. Maybe I can sneak in a get drunk and then I'll be too far gone to care.

The kids and I spent the next few hours cleaning up and making dinner so Donna can for once just relax.

I started to get ready for the party at six. Gemma has decided to come get me that way she knows I'm not bailing. It's also good for me I can start getting drunk now so by the time she's here I want have to endure the bitching.

Shower- check
Shaving - check
all other hygiene- check

Now to the hard part what do I wear. I want something that means I am single and ready to get laid. But not to desperate or looking like a whore. I also heard there was porn stars there so they have the whore part covered.

Picture of my outfit. I put on my makeup.

Gemma came up right when I was putting my shoes on

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Gemma came up right when I was putting my shoes on. It's 9:30pm. Which means we are late but I don't care I am a little tipsy. Gemma informed me that the boys wasn't back yet but they are on their way and will be there by ten which is 30 minutes away. Just enough time for me to get drunk find someone to hook up with and pass out.

We arrived at the club house ten minutes later. I was feeling confident about being here I guess it had more to do with Jax not being here.

Inside the clubhouse the party was in full swing. Porn whores in their panties and bras. Crow eaters passing out beer. None of the men noticed we walked in. I want straight to the bar looking for shots.

The guy behind the bar was young about my age.

"What can I get you?"


He gives me a shot but keeps starring at me.

"Do I have something on face?"

He just smiled and started laughing.

"You look like someone I know. Have we meet before?"

"Nope never meet. I'm Opies little sister Lexi."

"Opie sister. So that would make you Jaxs?" He didn't finish that sentence someone else did.

"My Wife." Someone said behind me I turned around and came face to face with the one person I've been avoiding. The one and only Jax Teller. And just by looking at him I can tell I'm in trouble and I don't mean because he's mad at me it's because of how fucking sexy he is.


Thanks everyone who has read this book and commented and has encouraged me to update. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. If you have any ideas you would like to add let me know. Hope everyone has a blessed day.

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