Chapter 1: "Call From Gemma Teller"

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I woke this morning like I do every morning from the same nightmare and tears rolling down my face. After seven years you would think I would have a different nightmare but nope always the same one. It's only 5:30 am got to be at work at 7 am which is only 10 minutes from my apartment in Seattle.

After a 30 minute run, a shower and a trip to McDonald it it is time for rounds. I am a third year pediatric resident. In two months I will start my fourth year. After 12 hours of patients i'm off. When I get home I notice that I have a missed call from my mother in law , Gemma Teller. I decide not to call her back. I'm sure she'd call again. I go upstairs take a shower.

After my shower, I start supper. As I'm putting the pizza in the oven my phone goes off.
Lexi - Lexi Winston speaking.
Gemma -  Lexi sweetie is that anyway to greet your mother in law.
Lexi - (giggles) sorry gem.
Gemma - How are you?
Lexi - I'm good cooking me something for supper it's been a long day.
Gemma - I'm sorry sweetie you should be taking it easy.
Lexi- you know me gem I never slow down. Anyway is everything ok? I just talked to you a few days ago you normally wait a month before checking on me again.
Gemma- no baby, I need you to come home.
Lexi- Ma, we've been over this I'm not coming, I can't it's too hard.
Gemma- it get that it's hard sweetie but it's the right thing to do you need to come home and be here for your family.
I knew when she said family she actually meant Jax.
Lexi- Gemma please give me one good reason and I' ll come but if you can't gem please don't ask again.
Gemma-  Wendy had the baby. She overdosed he's ten weeks early and is very sick. Your husband needs you.
Lexi- no gem he stopped needing me when he slept with Tara two months after we got married. He's a big boy Gem.
Gemma- Lexi please I need someone to help me I can't take losing another grandchild.
She knew that was the way to get me she knows her saying that would break my heart I would do anything for her but coming home isn't something I wanted to do.
Lexi- Your not giving up are you Gem?
Gemma- Not a chance
Lexi- Fine I have two weeks vacation to take I'll be there in a few days.
Gemma- ok sweetie I knew you would come if we needed you.
Lexi- I'm doing this for you gem not Jax so don't try to fix what doesn't need fixing.
Gemma- I don't know what your talking about your problems are between you and Jax I don't want in the middle.
You could tell she was lying by the way that she talks Gemma Morrow was a very noise woman and she tried to play match maker a little too often.
Lexi- yea yea whatever you say gem I'll call you when I get there but gem don't tell anyone I'm coming.
Gemma- ok I'll let you surprise them. Bye love you.

Then the call ended as quick as it started. I can't believe Gemma found away to make me come home. I have a interview with Saint Thomas next week but I didn't plan on going they want me to finish my residency there and then work as an attending once I was finished. Guess I can go to the interview and see what they say but I don't plan on staying to long being there is safer then here but when Jax hears the truth I may not be safe there either.

After letting my boss know what is going on. I pack my bags and head to the one place I never wanted to see again. I miss my family but I don't want to see my so called husband. Jax is the last person I want to see but I do plan on trying to get him to finally sign the paper I have been trying to get Gemna to give him for the last seven years. A DIVORCE!!!! Gemma refused to get in the middle when it came to that but still like clock work every six months my lawyer would send her the papers hoping she would change her mind. But this time I am delivering the papers myself.

Let me know what you all think sorry it's taken so long to post but now that finals are over I will be posting more.
Vote comment let me know if you have any suggestions.
This chapter has been edited and a little but added to it. Hope y'all enjoy next chapter later today thanks for all the comments and votes!!!!!!

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