How You First Meet

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Carlisle: You were at the hospital for your biannual flu shot. When you found out your normal doctor was on a vacation to the Caribbeans, you were appointed a new doctor for the time being. It didn't put you in a great mood to hear that but the first time you put your eyes on your new doctor, your heart froze and you forgot all about being in a bad mood.

"You must be my new patient, (y/n). I'm Doctor Carlisle Cullen." Dr. Cullen's bright smile was invigorating and it made you want to smile along. His golden eyes were unique, but not the best of his many gorgeous physical traits.

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Cullen." You smiled back, keeping your eyes on his. You seemed so hypnotized by his presence. You really don't want your old doctor back now... 

"Please, call me Carlisle."


Edward: School was extremely boring and the English teacher wouldn't seriously shut up. You had a growing headache and the kids screaming around you didn't help anything. Your eyes occasionally drifted to the window, where it was a gloomy morning. 

"Hey, Ms. Harrison." You heard a harmonious yet unfamiliar voice nearby greet the teacher. Ms. Harrison paused in her lesson and watched the late kid nonchalantly head to his seat with a disapproving glare. Your head turned to see who it was.

Wait, Edward Cullen? Why is he so cute? Damn....

He stared at you with his golden eyes as he moved towards his seat. A small smirk fulfilled his gorgeous face. Then you noticed he sat right behind you.

This day just got wayyy more interesting for you.


Jacob: You were walking along the sidewalk with your head down in deep thought. It was a dreary and long day. Suddenly, you heard a deep bellowing sound of a dirt bike and it sent vibrations up your body. Your head rises as the noise gets closer.

The bike stopped next to the street where you were now gawking at a male in black leather. He had a helmet on but once he took it off... hot damn!

That guy is hot!

You stare at his utter perfection and try to notice where his girlfriend was. When you spot him walking towards you with a strut, your question of his girlfriend was answered. He didn't have one, and he was staring at you.

"Hey, hot stuff." The guy, looking around your age in the late teen years, waved. Was he talking to you? "Yeah, you with the gloomy look."

"Hi..." You manage to say before your voice broke. 

"My name is Jacob, and you are?"

"(Y/n)." You clear your throat. "Nice to meet you."

"Nice to be met... say, do you want to ride on my bike?"


Alice: You were searching around for new clothes at the mall since you just got some birthday money from your family. However, you weren't having good luck finding any good fashions.

You were looking at a clothing rack of jeans, boredly pushing them.

"Hey!" A outgoing voice randomly greeted, making you jump from surprise. "I'm Alice."  She held out her hand, as if she wanted a handshake. You stared at the new girl, who had just terrified you. She looked like a pixie with her short height and thin figure. But she was cute and adorable.

"I'm (y/n), nice to be scared by you." You hesitantly shook her hand, which was freezing cold.

"You look like you need help." The new Alice girl stepped up closer to you even more and quickly rummaged through the jeans. Within seconds, she yanked out a pair of jeans that made you actually interested. 

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