"Mmhm." I said nodding my head, he knew what he was doing.

"Ard imma leave you alone for right now." He pulled my shirt down and laid next to me. I put my hand on my stomach and closed my eyes. "Come here Free." Elijah said.

"What Elijah?"

"You can lay on me."

"I don't think that's a good idea." I said.

"Girl come here." He pulled me to him and I wrapped my leg between his and laid my head on his chest.

His arm draped around me and rubbed my shoulder.

"Always doing something." I rolled my eyes but decided to just stay like this.

I felt a kiss on my forehead. "I love you Free."

"I love you too." I opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"I really love you Freedom and no matter what you going always come first."

He leaned down and placed a kiss on my lips and when he was about to pull away I grabbed his head and kissed him back. He easily got over top of my never breaking our kiss. I pulled at his shirt so he could take it off. He broke away from the kiss and took his shirt off and I pulled my pants and panties down.

I watched him slide his jeans off and get back on top of me. Before he could kiss me I held his chest so he could stop.

"You been in anyone else?" I asked.

"Nah." He said trying to kiss me but I held him back.

"I'm serious Elijah." I said.

"I haven't been in no one else." He said kissing on my neck.

I wrapped my legs around him and he slid in making me gasp and moan all in one breath. Damn i missed sex with him.


"Oh shit." I wake up to somebody saying.

"Get the fuck out." I heard Elijah say.

I turn around towards the door and Africa, Bryson and Jordan is standing there. I rolled my eyes pulling the cover up over me more.

"Can y'all annoying asses get out."

"About damn time." Bryson said. They left out and shut the door back.

"I'm glad this cover was on me." I said.

"They erky as shit yo." Elijah said laying back.

I want to ask what this mean for us but I feel like we just don't need to be in relationship just because we had sex.

"You good?" He asked me pulling me into him.

"Yea I'm ok, I'm hungry though." I said.

"Me too, I'm going downstairs to see what they doing."

I watched him get dressed and go downstairs. I got up and slipped on a fresh pair of panties and sweat pants. I put on my t shirt and put on my fuzzy socks. I brushed my hair up into a high ponytail and grabbed my phone going downstairs.

Love with a PassionWhere stories live. Discover now