Under Pressure

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Anyone ever heard of the classic bullying relationship between a guy and girl? Yeah well whatever your imagining isn't anything close to what Marisa deals with. Julian. Even his name sent a shiver down her back the first day she met him. She didn't know what to do or say, but he certainly did. The atmosphere between them quickly turned to one filled with intensity and hate; a very strong hate.

Time passed and every day it got worse. First it was just the occasional insult that Marisa could shake off. But Julian started to get brave; brave enough to slap her across the faith and the rush he got was unbelievable. So, he continued to hit her and those slaps turned into punches and small slaps turned into beatings.

And she doesn't know how to handle it but the twist is: neither does he.

Under PressureWhere stories live. Discover now