Chapter Nineteen: Forgive and Forget

Start from the beginning


Theresa plopped onto the bed nearest to the entrance, as Lilith studied the area. There were three more beds in the tent, one by Theresa and two more directly opposite, with enough space in-between to walk.

A giant wooden support pole was dead center of the tent, holding up the massive fabric, which created a sloping roof of snow white material.

The grass, under foot, was a light shade of brown, which foretold the coming of a frigid winter. Lilith strolled to the massive pole, latched her arm onto it, and spun around to face Theresa.

"So...what's the deal with you and Rayner? I understand why Ceridwen would be bitter, but why you?" She slowly sunk onto the hay filled mattress, beside Theresa.

Theresa dropped her gaze to the moon shaped scar that was seared into her bicep. She rubbed the burn mark and frowned.

"That day, at the gathering, when Rayner and Ceridwen recused me, I thought I'd be safe forever. I thought he..." Tears began to form in Theresa eyes, turning her dirt colored irises into a muddy river. "I thought he would keep me safe forever..." She turned away from Lilith and wiped her eyes dry. "But when he showed up with one of Duzna's pawns by his side all the hope drained away..."

Lilith reached out to comfort Theresa, but Theresa pulled away. "What if Adisa has changed with if she─"

"No! I don't trust that witch, and I don't know if I can trust Rayner again...not after he brought that treat into our lives." Theresa snapped.

Lilith grabbed Theresa shoulders and turned her around. "Listen...If you trusted him before, why would he bring Adisa here if he wasn't one hundred percent sure she wasn't going to hurt you?"

Theresa's brain buzzed with thousands of thought and emotions all at once. Part of her wanted to side with Lilith's point of view, but the other half still flowed with a will to not trust Rayner.

"None of this matters right now, all that matters is that we are ready for Vestomer's army. And we can't be ready if we don't prepare..." Theresa sprang up and headed for the door, but stopped when Lilith's voice echoed through the tent.

"You can train all you want, but if you're on the battle field with people you don't trust you'll never be prepared."

Theresa's expression of anger melted, for a split second, into a puddle of fear. Then quickly molded its way into fury, again, and Theresa stormed out of the tent.


Adisa's eyes exploded with life. Everything around her glowed, until her eyes adjusted to the faint flame the flickered from an oil lamp, suspended on a chain beside the bed she laid in.

As her pupils dilated she realized who was looming over her.

"Hello dear. Sorry for our...misunderstanding..." Cecelia said as she flashed a sheepish smile.

"How are you feeling?" Rayner emerged from the shadows of the tent and beamed at her.

"How would you be feeling if all the oxygen was sucked form you lungs?" Adisa barked, her words coming out a little harsher then she intended.

Rayner's cheek lit up the color of Ceridwen's ruby. "Right, sorry..."

"Now young lady don't be so crude, this young man saved your life." Cecelia said, which made Rayner blush even harder.

"Well I wouldn't say saved...I just─" Rayner was cut off.

"Take credit for your actions boy." A man, who Adisa had not noticed before, spoke up. He stood in the corner of the tent using a shining silver blade to slice pieces off an apple and pop them into his mouth. "If Rayner hadn't been there to tell me Mali sent y'all, you would be dead." He stepped over toward Adisa.

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