Chapter Twenty: Potions and Plans

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Egon Wood ( E Gon )

Pet: Lion Mercury ( Mer Cur Re)

Theresa Ashdown ( Tha Ris A )

Pet: Panther Nyx ( Nics )

Rayner Moonfall ( Ray Ner )

Pet: Bear Ares ( Ar Es )

Ceridwen Vix ( Care A Dwhen )

Pet: Owl Snow ( Snow )

Mali ( Mal E )

Mace Kane ( Mace )

Pet: Horse Nilas ( Neil Ass )

Duzna ( Duz Na )

Vestomer ( Ves Tom Ear )

Adisa Rathmore ( A Dis A )

Salina Mortem ( Sa LI Na )

Lilith Calarook ( Lie Lith Cal A Rook )

Rolland ( Roll Land )

Nassar Thornton ( Nas Sar )

Cecelia Clayhem ( Ce Cil Lie A)

Synth Clayhem ( Sin Th )

Chapter Twenty: Poisons and Potions

Ceridwen slouched in a chair three feet away from Rolland, desperately trying to decode the strange writing in the potion book. Ceridwen's hands were lost in her forest of hair as she massaged her temples trying not to lose her sanity. Rolland used his forefinger and thumb to rub the bridge of his nose, in frustration.

The two had been at the book for hours, and the more time they spent, the more time Vestomer had. They needed to have the potion in their grasp so they could rescue the Magic Born trapped in Tenebris. Maybe, after rescuing the trapped, just maybe, they would have a fighting chance.

I mean sure Magic Born have powers and Vestomer's only Magic born slave is Duzna, but when you're out trained and outnumbered powers don't seem to mean as much.

Rolland knew unless they found the ingredients and brewed the potion in time, they wouldn't stand a chance. As thoughts of horror and sorrow drifted through his mind, he's eyes lit up. He saw it, the pattern, the pattern was the key. All the words of the page were gibberish, but the pattern finally stood out, it was painted over, twice.

The swirls and spirals, used for decoration, on the book, were not normal. They were painted over double, as if someone was trying to hide something. Rolland squinted slightly and tilted his head to the left. As Ceridwen closed her eyes and sighed in defeat, Rolland pulled the book closer.

"Ceridwen that's it!" He shouted snapping Ceridwen from her daze.

"What's it?" Ceridwen asked in confusion.

Rolland removed a small knife from his desk and began carving at the book.

"Sir, what are you doing? You'll ruin any chance of finding them!"

Ceridwen leapt from her seat, but before she could snatched the book from Rolland's grip as massive vine sprouted from the ground beneath her and coiled around her body, yanking her back into the chair.

"I would trust my father, if I were you, he's usually right..." Nassar's voice echoed behind her. Ceridwen watched, helplessly, as Rolland cut wedges into the book.

Nassar emerged from the shadows behind her, she was so focused on finding the recipe for the potion she never heard him enter, earlier.

Thousands of thoughts bounded through Ceridwen's mind. What is Rolland doing? How does Nassar have the same powers as Mail? How can I break free? I can't let him ruin my only chance of getting my family back!

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