Chapter 1

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©2013 All rights reserved- Greta Yeomans (Girr107)

Chapter 1

A year later

A loud beeping noise came from behind me. My right hand came up from my side and smashed down on the snooze button of the alarm clock. I groaned and squeezed my eyes open and got up half way off the bed. I turned my head to the window in front of me and saw that the sun hasn't come up yet. Getting up from my bed I walked to the closet and took out my workout clothes which consist of yoga shorts and a black sports bra. Then I took out my shoes and sat on my bed as I put them on, as well. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After I was done brushing my teeth, I open one of the drawers and took out my hair brush and a hair tie. I brushed my hair to untangle any knots that were in my hair and made myself a French braid. I looked up to make sure there weren't any strands coming out of my dark brown hair. Then I saw that I had dark circles under my light blue eyes, lips chapped, and a few break outs here and there. But in the end I didn't care. Nothing matters to me anymore.

It's been a year since my parents die and people still think I died too. They found another person burned in the house and thought it was me. The person that they found was the girl who was sent to kill my parent's and me. The note that I found in my dad's bloody hand was still unread in my night stand under a book. I didn't want to be hurt any more than I already was. Derek the man who saved me knew my dad; he said they were business partners from a long time ago. But that was what he told me when we were in the car driving out of the city. Originally he was a Dhampire; half human and half vampire. I was shocked when he told me this not too long ago when we were in training. He told me about how vampires and werewolves were different than what you see in movies or books. They were scarier and stronger than humans.

Let's just say that vampires did drink blood in order to survive but they mostly didn't bother to drink from humans because there was an alternative but I have no clue what it is.

As for werewolves they didn't turn when there was a full moon or when they get a temper. They can turn whenever they want; they are kind of like humans.

This is only what Derek told me, he said the less I know the better.

"Mel! Come down here!" Derek shouted from downstairs. I groaned in frustration and dragged my feet walking out of the bathroom. I wonder what he wanted now. After I came to live with him, he never stops annoying me and very demanding. He decided to train me to become stronger and healthier, after a while I did. I wasn't scared of death. Derek told me that my family has being tracked down for many years because we were the last of our "kind." Something that he hasn't told me yet, because it was for my "protection" which I think was a load of bullshit to tell you the truth. That means I'm not human but something unreal. I think it's kind of weird because I never thought I would have said something like this. I hoped down the stairs and walked into the living room. Derek wanted a low profile so we moved in to a big house in a neighborhood outside of the city. He said that apartments were too easy for anyone to find us.

"Sometimes I wonder if the Devil was your real father, because you're a pain in the ass sometimes." I said walking into the living room.

"Wow, I haven't done anything bad yet and there is already somebody calling me the Devil's son" a different voice said and it wasn't Derek's voice. I looked at the couch in front of me and my eyes widen in embarrassment. A handsome man was sitting in it; the first thing I notice about him was his brown eyes. That were so clamed and nice. He looked closed to my age like about 20 or 23. His very dark brown hair was spiked up a little and he body was in good shaped like he worked out a lot. He was wearing a white tight v neck shirt that hug his muscles really well, dark blue gym shorts, and shoes. I should better stop checking him out before he notice that I am.

"Ahhhh. You are?" I asked him as I leaned up the wall crossing my arms. He got up walking towards me, then stops a few feet away from me and took one of his hands out go for a handshake.

"This is Xavier and he's going to be staying with us for a while." Derek came into the living room from the kitchen wearing his apron that said 'I am the man' I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Wow, Uncle Thanks for ruining the moment" Xavier said putting his hand down then winked at me and faced Derek.

"Teenagers" Derek mumbled and walked into the kitchen again.

"Hey! I'm not a teenager!" I yelled out at him and followed him moments later. "Why is he going to stay here?" I walked towards the wooden table and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Nice to meet you too!" Xavier said to me as he leaned on the doorway, but I just ignored him.

"He's here for business" Derek told me as he flipped the pancakes with his back to me.

"What kind of business?" I asked him. What business? The only thing he has to do was take care of me to keep me safe. I was old enough to leave and walk out door but he said that I would be in danger and that he is only trying to keep the promise from my dad to keep me safe.

"Anyone hungry?" Derek asked us ignoring my question.

"No, I'm going to go out for a run before the sun comes up." I said rolling my eyes at Derek as I got up from my seat and walked towards the doorway passing Xavier. I didn't try to make any eye contact with him.

I walked into the hallway leading to the front door and I stop and grab my bag that was sitting on a small table nearby. I took out my earphones then my iPhone so I can listen to music while I run. As I dropped my bag back on the table I started to walk to the front door and I felt a presents behind me. Then I felt my hands turn into fists and I turned around hitting someone behind me. But they were faster and I was pushed up against the door blocking my hit and I growled madly. My eye's met the light brown eyes again. Xavier. I took my hands onto his chest and with all my force I pushed him back and he moved.

"Has anyone taught you how to not sneak up on people?" I almost yelled at him. The only thing I got out of him was a smirk.

"I thought girls like it when guys to that kind of stuff." he told me not looking away from me.

"Well I'm sorry to ruin your mood but I'm not that type of girl. Next time don't you EVER do that again, unless you want to get hurt. You got that?" I told him as I turned around and open the door. The cool air hit my skin and a fresh scent of pine hit my nostrils as. My feet found the steps and I started to walk down them and saw it was almost getting to sunrise. I closed my eyes taking in my surroundings.

"Ahh. Isn't this nice?" I heard Xavier's voice beside me. I frowned and opened my eyes and stared at him.

"What are you doing?" I said as my eyes widen to see what he was doing. He took off his white shirt leaving him with in his gym shorts. His muscles flexed as his arms came up and showed his abs, making my mouth open and closed it quickly. Agh why is this happening to me?

"Going with you dummy. Plus don't think about saying no because for now on I'm not leaving for side." He said putting on a big smile showing his pearly white teeth. The next thing I knew he was getting a head start.


A/N: Like that? Haha well there's more where that came from.  Lol. I hope you guys liked it so far. Don't forget to comment I like to hear from you guys! Love Ya! Muah!<3

The picture on the side is Xavier.:)


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