I take a seat on the stairs, not that far away from Russell and Thomas, and I can see Eduardo above me, on the top deck by the steering wheel. I watch Thomas try his best to out do our two sword fencer, and smile. He's still got a long way to go, but he's quick, and once he hones that it will be a good advantage as he improves. "Remember Thomas, think of the sword as an extension of your arm." I yell out to him. 

                   The young pirate nods, letting me know he heard me, not taking his eyes off of  Russell. I watch the swords clang, and I can tell Russell is holding back a little. Considering Thomas hasn't been using real weapons as long as the rest of us, I suppose he has to. 

                   "He still has a long way to go doesn't he?" Eduardo comments, taking a seat beside me on the stairs. 

                   I nod in agreement. "Yes, but we all have to start somewhere. He's quick, that will be a good asset as he hones his skills." I add, as I continue to study Thomas's movements. He's not as graceful as Russell, but you can tell he has speed. "Once he gets the movements down, added with his speed, he will be good." I add, voicing my thoughts.

                  "Yes he will. He still seems so young, and too innocent though." Eduardo adds, as we continue to watch. 

                  "Yes, he is the youngest here. I find his innocence charming though. It's a rarity in this world." I tell him, defending the young pirate. 

                  He scoffs at my comment, making me look at him. "Too innocent, he will get hurt, and not know how to handle the real world."  

                    I snort "No, I think he can handle the real world, he just has a positive outlook on it. Just because his optimistic view doesn't match with your cynic view, doesn't mean he can't handle whatever is thrown at him." I glare at him, meeting his gaze. 

                   He smirks. "Anyway Nate still not back yet?" I freeze at his question, and look away from his gaze.

                   "No he's not." I answer quietly, keeping my gaze towards the ocean. 

                   "Well, who can blame him? Getting a chance to wander around town with a beautiful woman. Wonder what they are up to?" He smirks, nudging me, and I frown, as he voices my worst fears. 

                    "I'm sure they have a lot to catch up on." I say, trying to sound confident in my words. 

                    "Sure, catch up. Beautiful feminine woman like that." Eduardo adds, giving me a sarcastic look. 

                   "Screw you Ed." I snap, as  get up, and head towards the bow to be by myself. I can feel my eyes start to water at his words, and try to blink back my tears, not wanting to cry. Dammit. I lean on the railing, and look out towards the ocean. Nathan wouldn't cheat on me right? Then again she is more feminine, I wouldn't blame him.. my heart sinks the more I think about it, and my chest hurts at the thought. 

                  I hear steps approaching, and I quickly wipe my tears. "Go away Ed. I don't want to hear any more of your bullshit." I say bitterly, not even bothering to turn around. 

                  "Don't listen to Eduardo Miss Arabella." Thomas says, and I turn around to find not Eduardo, but Thomas, Russell, and even Christopher. "He's just jealous of you and Nathan." he adds, giving me a shy smile. 

                  "Yea Arabella, we can all see how much Nathan loves you." Russell chimes in.

                   "It's just, she's more feminine, and beautiful.. I can't help thinking that those are the type of girls that men want." I tell them sadly. 

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