Chapter Two: Invitation to a Bizzare Orginization of Handsome Young Men

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"Wh-what do you mean they're twins? You mean there's two of them? So he can't teleport?" I couldn't help but feel this whole concept was incredulous . Yet, the truth was staring me right in the face.


I couldn't really argue that they weren't twins; the identical gingers were staring right at me, snickering.

"Now, I understand your confusion. Those doppelgängers may seem to be able to teleport–" Suoh-San inched closer, cupping his hand over his mouth and giving the red-heads a nervous stare. "But I haven't proved it as of yet...I think I'm getting close to proving that case, though!" Might I add that the exuberant blonde was a terrible, terrible whisperer. The twins only gave him symmetrically mischievous grins, their abnormally amber eyes sparkling.

They seemed pretty proud of themselves after the stunt that they'd pulled before. They were especially proud that they'd overwhelmed me so much that I fainted for a few solid minutes. Apparently they'd planned the whole 'tricking me into believing that there was only one of them.' Though, I can't really say that the first one that I met really knew what was going on. It was immensely obvious that the one that was waiting for me in Music Room Three was the one who'd formulated the whole prank.

He was the one who recited the whole plan without pause, while the other one seemed to nod along with what his brother said. Apparently, they based their plan on that today I would transfer into the school and that Suoh-San would invite me to this weird meeting thing for their bizarre club.

The host club.

"Well, that aside, let me introduce you to our lovely club!" Suoh-San chimed, snapping from his wary state into his much more animated self. "I assume that you've become acquainted with my darling, Haruhi! The natural type." He offered the tiny brunette a large smile, which "he" replied with a deadpan look. The brunette turned to me and offered a small smile, which I kindly returned. It was strange, "he" really seemed feminine for a boy. But then again, Suoh-San had mentioned "him" being his "daughter."

Whatever that meant.

With an annoyed, jealous huff, Suoh-San turned to the next of his friends. "I'm sure you're also aware of the Hitachiins now." The twins took that as an invitation to walk over and inspect me, their cat-like eyes making me uncomfortable. They were kinda creepy, being all symmetrical and everything...but, there was something that didn't quite sit well within me when I judged them like that. It felt like something was extremely off about their characters...

When they finished analyzing me, they stopped in front of me, hands on their chins in thought. "Final verdict, Hikaru?" the twin on the left asked, his eyes flickering over to his brother with a serious expression.

"Kaoru, do you even have to ask that?" The other questioned, raising an eyebrow at the other. "I know we're thinking the exact same thing..." The left twin, Kaoru, gave his brother a slightly sheepish grin before turned back to the stony faced expressions.

I eagerly waited for them to finish their statements, curious to see what they think of me. Would it be bad?


"W-what do you both—uh, think of m-me Hitachiin Hikaru and Kaoru-kun?" I stammered, looking up at the red-heads with an eager look.

Their eyes flickered back to me, their previously serious expression now plagued with Cheshire grins. My stomach dropped, the suspense becoming agonizing as I waited for them to continue.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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