Chapter two the arrival at the phantomhive mannor

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You and Lewis walked up the stairs to see a little boy he looked the same age as you, he looked you way so you walked up to him and he greeted you to the phantomhive mannor. Lewis and his butler were glaring at each other I pulled his shirt he looked at me before I could say anything the butler said we could go in. As you were walking in you noticed you were the last guest, you turned around to see lord phantomhive saying the ball has started. You walked and sat down wile Lewis got you something to drink, then you felt a tap on you shoulder you turned around and it was lord phantomhive "may I have this dance" he asked with a slight smile you just nodded and he Took your hand yous slowly danced until the song was over.
Ciels point of view:
"As soon as I saw (y/n) she looked beutiful but I think she noticed that my eyes softened it was really awkward since I didn't know her name then Sebastian motioned you to go in, you soon announced that The ball started. You walked over to see her and asked her to dance she just simply nodded. Yous both danced till the song was over.
Normal point of veiew:
You and lord phantomhive walked over to the side while the next song started he asked you what you name is " oh it's (y/n) (l/n), his eyes soften "that a very beautiful name (y/n)" you glanced at him and slightly blushed you quickly turned away he smiled and giggles a bit "I'm very sorry lord phantomhive but I have to go find my butler" he grabbed my hand and said please call me ciel and he asked if yous could keep in touch. You just nodded and walked off. You went to look for Lewis and spotted him talking to ciels butler "umm Lewis could we have a second" he excused himself from Sebastian and then we Went to ciel. They were whispering and so were us I told Lewis that I wanted to go home cause it was already 9:40 and I would take two hours to get back to my mannor, he said "alright" and we walked off ciel an Sebastian stopped us Lewis pick me up bridal style and I slowly fell asleep. Ciel offered for us to stay at the mannor for the night but bye to you asleep he accepted the offer thinking about your well being. Sebastian helped Lewis find the the guest bedroom he changed you carefull into a cotton night gown so you wouldn't wake up he left you heard Te door shut quietly you woke up wondering where you were and then sighed going through your day In you mind until you heard a knock at the door you quietly said enter it was ciel he looked really sleepy, "can I sleep with you tonight please" "um I guess" you were completely red. As he got in your bed you laid phasing the window am slowly fell back to sleep until there was a big BANG!! You shot up so did ciel. He grabbed you and told you to stay there, he left the room you heard a gun shot. Being the one to protect people you quickly ran out and you bolted down the hallway to see Lewis Sebastian and ciel all tied up and asking were you were you yelped in fear , The man turned around and said oh there's the little princess he began running towards you. Lewis and ciel were screaming at you to run so you did you ran for your life not knowing were you were going, the name kept say Marco waiting for you to respond with polo as you ran you kept running you bumped into a tall guy you ran the opposite direction no realising it was the guy who was chasing you.
Lewis, Sebastian and  ciels pov:
Ciel: "we need to go help her he screeched "
Lewis: got out and helped ciel and Sebastian
Normal pov
Agter that he bolted to you so did ciel an Sebastian down a hall you were lying there all bloody with scratch marks everywhere unconscious he was on top of you feeling your waist, until Lewis came and started beating the shit out of the guy ciel came and picked you up Bridle style and ran to a bath room as you woke up you were really sore ciel started cleaning your wounds up started crying ciel looked up at you and hugged you lightly after that he ran a bath a little lower than warm but it felt good as he looked away as you got in Lewis and Sebastian walked in with the guy your tears overflowed dripping in the bath, ciel didn't realise this cause he was telling Lewis and Sebastian to take him to Scotland Yard. He reassured Lewis that he would look after you they went, you were still crying he liked over you and asked him if he could close you eyes so he could come I with you you put your head in your knees as he was filling it up more so he couldn't see your private parts then you put your knees down but your head was down with your hair over your eyes, ciel looked at you then lifted your hair still having tears in your eyes his eyes softens and he kissed you softly you kissed him back and then you hugged him and said "thank you thank you so much" he hugged you back with his arms around your neck, then he told you "that we should get out before we get sick you agreed and he looked away as you put a robe on he asked you politely "to exit the room and get changed and I will do the same" you smiled and nodded. You walked to you room and out another night gown on it was a short purple one, you started to get into bed not knowing If ciel would come back to your room or not, until you heard a knock on the door "come in" you said it was ciel in another overlarge shirt he looked at you and said "it's really late you should be tired" as he climbed in bed with you he cuddled you and yous both feel aspleep.......

Hello my little ones I really hope you like my story and have a very great day and I will update again!!!!! Tommorow and I hope you live this one and the next!!!!!.

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