You glowered over at the bed. He couldn't have known that you hadn't slept on one in years and the only time you were ever forced onto one was when your jailor desired something of you. You didn't follow his order, not entirely, and you'd accept whatever punishment he would deal out to you.

You cautiously moved about the room, stuffing yourself between barrels and a bookshelf, the perfect spot to hide away from anyone who might try to hurt you. You tried to sleep again, to rest for a moment, but the ship jostled and the wooden beams creaked. You could hear the waves splash and slap against the walls, unnerving something in you. You were surrounded by water, trapped more than you'd ever been. Your stomach clenched from both anxiety and having eaten too much, the most you'd consumed in a while.

You forced yourself out of your hiding spot, glancing at and observing every item in the room. You didn't dare touch anything, didn't run your hands across the worn maps or the fabrics of the sloppily folded clothes. No, you turned away from everything to approach the double doors. You turned the knob, cautiously enough that it didn't make a sound. It was painfully slow to open, your eyes never wavering from the widening space. You caught a glimpse of a passing sailor in the distance but otherwise the deck was clear.

You snuck out, closing the door just as stealthily. It was night, the moon a thin sliver in a dark but star clustered sky. The ocean, vast and unending, was a mass of roiling black. The moonlight occasionally sparked on the edges of a passing wave. The air was chilly and frigid, tingling deep into your lungs with each breath you took down.

You weren't planning on leaving. What would have been the point? You were on the ocean and even if you weren't in the middle of a great expanse of water, you had no desire to run. You wanted only to stand near Shay, bask in the calm energy he held. You looked about for that familiar face, the comforting and soothing expression that he always seemed to adorn. You heard him instead, his voice above you on the upper floor, the lilt of his pleasant accent.

You moved along the wall, staying close to it even when you reached the bottom of the steps. No one had caught sight of you yet, your movements too slow and your steps too quiet. You weren't trying to sneak up on them, despite your cautious uncertainty. You simply didn't want to appear aggressive or angry. You didn't want your sudden presence to cause a fight.

Shay was speaking with Liam, a warm-hearted laugh following his words. Even the grouchy other man managed a laugh, causing you to wonder what sort of person he truly was when you weren't around.

"Shay," warned Liam at the sight of you, his body rigid as he stepped towards the captain.

You froze in your advance, Liam looking as if he might draw his gun on you.

"It's alright, Liam." Shay turned to face you, his arm reaching out to barricade the aggression of his friend. "Glad to see you're out here, lass. Don't worry. Liam's all bark and no bite."

Liam scoffed. "Wish we could say the same of her."

It was a bad idea seeking him out. You thought it best to leave, to avoid the situation, to avoid Liam. But when you shuffled back towards the stairs, Shay was quickly snapping up your hand. You jerked, fear from the sudden gesture, but you didn't pull away from him. Shay stepped backwards, leading you towards Liam, smile wide upon his face. And that smile alone soothed whatever worries that would have plagued you.

"You've ever been on a ship, lass?" He motioned towards the large wheel, setting your hand down on it. "I can teach you the basics of sailing if you like."

Liam gave out a heavy sigh but he kept his words to himself.

You lifted your hand up off of the smooth, lacquered surface. Shay however was determined, placing his hand on top of yours and wrapping it around one of the handles. He turned the wheel ever so slightly, pointing up towards the sails above, allowing you to watch the minute changes that occurred.

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