Just as I was about to reply, a voice finally started to talk between all the punches and groans (mostly from Duke's side).

"Don't even think about it, Yuri," my savior gave a serious 'don't test me' look towards the blonde as he went back to Duke. By this point in the fight, Duke was covered in blood and bruises, while the Russian seemed unharmed.

"Oh, I get it now." The supposed Yuri said with a smile as he exchanged a look between the man and I. I gave him a perplexed expression as I finally decided I had had enough of this fight.

Moving across the porch, I got closer to the two fighting men. It was easy to tell that the Russian man was not only extremely handsome, but also insanely tall. He had to be a solid 6'5. Suddenly, feeling very minusible, I took a deep breath in an attempt to gain some courage. I was glad neither of them had noticed, although sparing a glance towards Yuri, he totally did. He gave me two thumbs up and a smile for encouragement. I had to stop myself from smiling back in order to stay focused on the task at hand.

"Enough!" I shouted at the two men, mid-way through a punch. Both sets of eyes, two very different shades of green, snapped towards my direction. Slowly, they both let guards their guards down.

"I've had enough of you tonight to last a lifetime, Duke. Please leave me alone before I let this man continue to beat your ass," I direct towards Duke, causing his head to lower towards the ground.

"Is this it for us, then?" Duke sadly asked.

"Yes." I asserted with Nora's confidence on my mind.

"Don't do this," he begged with glossy eyes.

'Please don't look at me like that, Duke,' I thought sadly, giving him the cold shoulder in the process. I watched his back retreat from the porch back into the house. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

Looking towards the man who saved me from Duke, I found myself feeling small again.

Staring into his emerald eyes, I gratefully thanked him. Keeping his distance from me, he briefly nodded his head and glanced at Yuri, gesturing him to leave.

After Yuri obediently closed the screen door and left, I felt extremely nervous being alone with this man. I found myself hoping the same thing would not happen twice in one night.

Thankfully, he was the first to break the silence.

"Do you know what you are to me?" He asked angrily.

"What?" I asked confused.

He chuckled cynically briefly before replying, "We're mates."

'How does he know that and I don't?' I thought to myself out of pure confusion, 'Why is he laughing like that?'

"How do you know that?" I questioned as I crossed my arms over my chest, waiting for his response.

Taking my hand into his gently, he moved his lips extremely close to my ear. I could feel his breath on me as he whispered into my ear, "This." His hand began rubbing circles onto the back of my palm with his thumb.

I had never felt a sensation like this before. It felt more intimate than all of the touches I shared with Duke and some of them were quite scandalous, in the words of Nora.

'This is your mate,' my mind spoke to me as I felt the sense of uncertainty rush away from me.

Just as fast as he started creating friction between our hands, he ended it. Moving my chin up so I was looking him in the eyes, he asked with his deep, thick voice full of anger, "Does your boyfriend make you feel like this?"

At a loss for words, I stood with my mouth open in front of this godly man, hoping that some kind of confidence would come. It never did.

"Forget it. All of you American girls are the same," He shook his head angrily, staring down at his feet before bringing his eyes to meet mine again.

"He's not my boyfriend," I blurted out after finding my voice, hoping to subdue his anger.

Unfortunately, that proved to be detrimental to my argument. "Even worse. You don't commit before you give boys what they want," he said, shooting daggers towards me. A knife felt like it was going through my heart.

"I'm not like-" I started as I was rudely interrupted.

"Save it for someone who cares," He spoke harshly as he exited the porch, leaving me cold and vulnerable.

"Thanks again," I muttered softly to myself as I turned around and sat down on the steps of the porch. Tears brimmed my eyelids, threatening to come out.

A tear slipped out from my left eye. Bringing my arm up to my face, I wiped away the tears that started to pour out. It was not long before my arm was covered in foundation and powder that once covered my face. I did not need a mirror to know Nora's amazing makeup job had gone to shit.

I never expected to meet my mate like this. Every girl fantasizes about who their mate will be and how they will meet them. I imagined meeting the man who is supposed to be only mine in a different fashion. He did not even tell me his name. 

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