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Nothing changes. It's the same every waking hour for Vida.

Wake up, school, therapy, sleep, repeat.

Vida gives the perspective that she's content with her life.  Deep inside, she's devastated. War-torn in her soul. Caught between being careless, letting the night carry her away; or sticking to the monotonous schedule of hers, doing what her 'superiors' instruct her to do.

She's always felt a bit desolate, not sharing intimate details to her family or friends. She used to have the option of whether she actually wanted to expose her feelings to people. Now she doesn't, her parents recently discovered her isolation from people in general and got Vida into therapy. She thought it was a waste of her parents "precious" money; paying a hundred dollars per hour for someone to listen to your problems wasn't something she was too keen on. Vida would much rather just talk to her mum or dad- at no charge. Unfortunately, her parents are typically busy with work, work, and work.

As vida enters the crowded halls of hormonal teenagers, she can't help but feel numerous eyes on her; burning holes through her. She thought she would've been used to the ignorant treatment- but she always feels a deep pit in her stomach almost feeling like self-pity; Vida hated that. She didn't want to feel bad about herself. She was in a good living situation; happily married parents, more than stably financial, a large (maybe even excessively) home, car, and education. She believed she couldn't stop being grateful for one moment.

At one point in highschool Vida was well known- popular even. Things quickly changed though.

She walked towards her first class, bio. Vida was never one to dislike school, well sciences at least. She was now a top student in her class. Vida had no excuse for not doing her studies, she essentially had no extra curricular activities.

Biology was especially easy to learn for Vida because the teacher would tell students to write notes from their textbooks and learn. She liked it due to the lack of socializing with other classmates. Time passes by fast in this class, but others not so much. Vida despised her other classes, not that she disliked learning but because of how she was literally incapable of learning in those classes. Michael Clifford, once her best friend, now strangers wouldn't stop making everybody hate her.

He's changed so much ever since he begun hating her. Formerly, he was an innocent boy, dirty blonde hair with warm green eyes and comedic tee shirts. Now a dark, brute man that wears leather jackets with an eyebrow piercing and red hair. You would've though that he would look like Ronald McDonald but admitingly, now one of the schools hot "bad boys" with the sharp jawline and piercing seductive eyes.

It was a mistake. Michael was infatuated with Vida. Her acting as an idiot, afraid of what would happen their friendship, rudely rejected the poor boy. It's not she didn't want a relationship with Michael, but it just seemed too platonic.

Vida was sitting in class with an empty seat beside her, hoping nobody would take it.  To her dismay, Calum Hood sat down in it. Unfortunately, Calum is now Michaels best friend. Vida took a peek around the classroom if there were any other spots and to her surprise there weren't any. She thought Calum would've sat next to her to tell her of how horrible she is but he didn't. Surely Michael would have exposed her deepest darkest secrets. At the time, Michael was the only person Vida was able to trust.

"Vida." Calum said in a monotone voice, acknowledging her.

"Calum," Vida responded to him.

The class starts and Vida's English teacher, Mr Hemmings starts the lesson.  Vida had to admit, Mr Hemmings was quite attractive for being a high school teacher because shes always had middle-aged women with hair growing on their upper lips as teachers. That was one of her main concerns, and she was ashamed of it. She was afraid that mr. Hemmings looks would distract her from learning. She was right, she was currently failing english; one of her strongest subjects.

Calum is the reason why Michael and Vida aren't friends anymore, after the whole Michael fiasco, Calum spread a rumor throughout the school saying that she was a slut trying to get with every guy she could lay her eyes on.

"I hate Calum Hood," vida thought in her mind.

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