Fun with Damon

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Caroline ! Open this door now !” A voice shouted from outside , as someone pounded on the door . Damon froze , licking his lips to rid himself of his vampire nature . Caroline lay beneath him , blood flowing from her neck , dried blood blocking the flow slightly . Damon smiled to himself , then locked eyes with the shallow human beneath him .

You will not remember me being here . You came home from school and fell asleep . You got that ?”

Caroline nodded , and Damon grinned to himself . He lifted an arm and bit into his wrist , before shoving it to Caroline's mouth . She drank his blood , and the bite on her neck instantly healed .

Damon nodded his head towards Caroline's bathroom and said :

Go get cleaned up”

Caroline nodded again , and Damon rolled off her . He watched her walk into the bathroom with narrowed blue eyes .

Caroline! Open this door !” That voice was starting to annoy Damon now . He listened closely , and realized he should probably leave . But not by window .

He climbed up from Caroline's bloodstained bed , and stalked over to the door , opening it silently .

Once Damon blurred towards the door , he opened it . Standing on the porch was no one other than Elena Gilbert . Damon smirked , thinking that he had done exactly the right thing , by coming out the door . Elena stared at him , and Damon very nearly rolled his eyes .

Damon . What … What are you doing at Caroline's house ?” Elena said , eyes narrowed as she tried to figure out what Damon would be doing at Caroline's at 8 in the morning .

I could ask you the same thing” Damon replied , smirking . He shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket , thinking that he could do with another bite to eat , or in this case , drink .

Elena frowned .

Tell me Damon ” Damon just stared at her , taking in her light blue camisole and her dark blue jeans . As obsessed as he was with Katherine Damon wouldn't mind having this one as his little distraction . But Caroline would be good enough for now , at least until the Gilbert girl realized what Stefan was , and then that irritating love story would be over .

Why?” Damon smirked again , tilting his head to the side . Elena just shook her head , looking thoroughly pissed off now . Damon rolled his eyes again , and made his way down the steps of the porch .

Damon” Elena said . Damon froze , then turned around . His eyes flashed silver in the early morning light . Elena stepped back , fear filling her face .

Yes Elena ?” Damon whispered ; he knew she could hear him . Damon liked the way her body reacted to him , her heart sped up considerably , and her face flushed a rosy pink . Damon wished that happened more often .

Can you come to dinner tonight at my place?” Elena's voice was quiet , hesitant . Damon stared at her , trying to process the information he'd just heard .

I mean , would you like to ? It's just me and Stefan , and I wanted to get to know you both better so …..”

Elena's voice trailed off . Damon smiled . Ah Stefan , still trying to act human . Idiotic little brother .

I would be delighted to accept your invitation Elena” Damon said smoothly , before taking off .

Elena's POV

'God , he's hot' Elena thought , watching Damon walk down the street . Elena couldn't believe her eyes when Damon stepped out of Caroline's

door . Elena rooted through her bag to find her phone , and typed a speedy text to Jenna .

Once back in her car , Elena rested her elbows on the steering wheel , and began to think deeply . Okay , so she'd just invited Damon Salvatore to dinner at her house , while standing on Caroline's front porch . Elena had tried calling Caroline all morning , but her phone was off , so a visit would only help.

God , Elena was in a mess , mentally . She shifted the car into gear , and drove towards the Mystic Grill , hoping for a bowl of chocolate ice cream before school .

Two hours later , Elena sat in her least favourite class , History , with Evil Mr . Tanner . He paced up and down the classroom , asking virtually impossible questions . Elena sighed , reaching into her bag for her phone . She checked it for new texts , thinking Stefan would at least have the decency to call her if he was staying off school . Elena's mind flicked towards Damon . She remembered this morning , when Damon's eyes had flashed silver . Elena wasn't sure if she was going crazy , or if Damon's eyes had simply caught the light . Damon Salvatore , Elena had thought of nothing but Damon since she had gotten to school .

Miss Gilbert , It would be nice if you were even pretending to listen tome ”Mr . Tanner's voice snapped Elena out of her fantasy . She nodded hastily , picking up her pen and scribbling down all the notes on the whiteboard , mind still on Damon  and the looming dinner party.

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