Chapter 8: Stormy Love *EDITED*

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Olivia's POV:

We got out of the lift and headed to our rooms to unpack everything we had bought. I carried on unpacking until there was a knock at the door.

"Come in," I said and Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn came in.

"Hey guys," I said and carried on packing my things away.

"Hey Liv," Zayn said.

"We wanted to talk to you about Niall," Liam said.

"Okay," I said frozen but facing away from them.

"Listen, we think you should ask him out. We know he likes you and you like him. We all think you should be together but he won't ask you, even though your really happy together," Harry said.

"Yeah, because he doesn't like me like that," I said.

"He does, he's just shy and doesn't want to be rejected by you," Zayn said.

"I doubt it but I don't want to ruin our friendship, I would hate to lose him. If we did date and it went wrong, I would lose his friendship and I don't want to risk that," I said causing the boys to stop and think.

"Listen, we know that it's hard and their is a risk, but isn't it worth the risk," Liam said.

"I don't know maybe," I said.

"So you admit you like Niall more than a friend," Louis asked.

"Yes, I guess so, but it's early days, anything can happen, I said.

"Thank fuck, at least we are one step closer," Louis said and we all laughed.

"So you guys wouldn't mind if we dated?" I asked.

"Mind, we'd love it, you make each other happy and are great for each other, it will be a relief when it finally happens," Harry said.

"How do you know anything will happen?" I asked.

"Because we know you guys, trust us, it will happen, especially now you have admitted it, it's just a matter of when," Zayn said and the other boys nodded.

"I guess if it is meant to happen, it will but don't interfere, I know what you guys are like," I said.

"Well think about everything with Niall yeah, Harry said and I nodded and they all got up to leave the room.

"Oh Liv, we are ordering four pizzas for dinner. Margarita, pepperoni, meat feast and Hawaiian, is that all ok?" Liam asked.

"Yes that's perfect, all my favorites but what about sides?" I asked.

"We got nachos, breaded chicken, and garlic bread," he said.

"Ok that's good," I said and they left my room, leaving me to unpack and think more about Niall and I.

After a while I finished packing my things away and I headed downstairs but stopped on the landing next to the stairs at the sound of music and peeked round the corner so I could see. Niall was on his guitar and from what it sounded like had just finished playing the song he wrote.

"Niall that was brilliant, you should think about releasing it," Louis said.

"Would you be ok if it was released?" Liam asked and Niall nodded

"Who was that about" Harry asked smirking.

Niall mimed a name that I didn't see.

"Well you should tell her before it is released if we do so it is special for a reason," Zayn said.

The New Girl (A Niall Horan FanFic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora