"Johnny watch over her."

He nodded.

She left fast as I laid on the floor thinking if Vikki was hurt or would really cheat on me.. Was that why she hasn't contacted me or called. Did my pack now about this and not tell me. What was going on when I wasn't there.

"Don't jump to conclusions ." He told me.

"How can I not. I can be dead and there not even here to check on me. My pack! My family.. Johnny go check on my pack."

"Melissa , Michael and Faith are, relax."

I sighed and got up walking to the phone.
"What are you doing."

"Shut up." I told him .

He sighed and sat down watching me dial numbers on the phone.



'Hello?' Alvin's voice made me smile.

'It's Melissa.'

'Melissa!! How are you'

'Feel like shit.. Alvin where is my pack, I just got this horrible pain..'

He was quiet for a moment.
'Your kids are here, safe. I haven't seen your pack for days now. Vikki said she had something she needed them for . Haven't heard anything from them.'

I heard Vanessa in the background.


'Hey Vanessa.' I smiled hearing her voice.

'Are you okay.'

'I'm fine for now.. Where is Vikki? And the pack.'

'I couldn't  tell you, Daddy said to stay here.. She took everyone even Sara and Amy. I have no clue what's going on. I am worried.'

'It's okay baby girl. Where is Vincent.'

'Right here hold on.'

I bit my lip as he argued with her . Silence.

'Vincent.. You don't have to speak just listen. I need to be strong and be there for your sister.. I'm ill .. I didn't mean to attack you, you know it's not me. I'm working on it. But with everyone gone.. All you have is each other . I need you to protect your baby sister. Please.'

'I will.' He said.

'I love you both.'

'Love you mom.' They both said.

I hung up the phone and looked at Johnny.

My pack is missing. My mate is missing , what the hell is going on.

"Johnny. We have to go. I can't just sit here!" I said grabbing a coat with a hoodie and putting it on.

"You can't go anywhere."

"Watch me." I walked to the back door and felt the force field there.
I put my hands on it and pushed.

Snarks were flying as I let the anger take over.

"Melissa stop!" Johnny said standing behind me.

"No my family needs me!" I yelled
I pushed harder against it as it snapped
I looked back at him and smirked.

"Let's go." I ran as he followed me.


Running through the forest to Alex's pack house felt like forever.
Finally I hit the border and got down in the bushes watching.

I saw Fred and Donny walking around to a building .
Everyone was normal walking around. I kept low watching them.

"They seems well" Johnny said.

I watched closely as I saw Vikki come out. She looked peachy perfect.


I watched as Alice was at her hip. I balled my fist.
They were holding hands, my pack looked but only looked the other way.

Anger built up inside me, I stepped out the bushes and walked forward to kill.. Alice.


She's Mine Forever. (GirlxGirl) Book 2.Where stories live. Discover now